ISIL terrorist leader is CIA agent: Chechen president

ISIL terrorist leader is CIA agent: Chechen president
22 Oct 2014 – (Legit Gov)  Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov says the ISIL terrorist group’s leader, Ibrahim Samarrai, who is known by the alias Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, works for the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and is financially supported by western secret services. [*Duh.*] “Baghdadi should take off his mask and declare loudly and clearly that he is a CIA agent, that he has been recruited,” Kadyrov said on Tuesday, adding, “They (the ISIL militants) are Shaitans (devils) and their sole obsession is to grab as much money as they can lay hands on. They are acting on orders from the West and deliberately exterminating Muslims.” The Chechen leader called on Samarrai to confess to committing atrocities including the massacre of Muslims.
German intel warns ISIS can shoot down passenger planes – report
26 Oct 2014 Islamic State militants in northern Iraq have modern portable air defense systems that are capable of shooting down a passenger plane, Germany’s Bild am Sonntag newspaper reported citing the country’s foreign intelligence agency. According to the media report published on Sunday, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) informed the German Bundestag of the threat at a closed session last week. The German intelligence agency said that the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS [actually I-CIA-SIS]) militants located in northern Iraq have obtained air-defense systems from the captured military arsenal of the Syrian Army, according to the report.

First US military death announced since Isis offensive started in Iraq
24 Oct 2014 Nearly three years after Barack Obama withdrew the US military from its bloody, exhausting second conflict in Iraq, the first US service member has died there in the third US-Iraq war. Marine Lance Corporal Sean P Neal, one of 1,600 troops serving in Iraq to support the Iraqi struggle against Islamic State (Isis) [I-CIA-SIS], died of a “non-combat” injury, the US announced late on Friday. Neal, of Riverside, California, died in Baghdad, more than 7600 miles from his home, on Thursday. Neal, 19, was the first American acknowledged to have died in Operation Inherent Resolve, the US military’s new name for the war Obama launched on August 7.

UK ends Afghan combat operations
26 Oct 2014 The last UK base in Afghanistan has been handed over to the control of Afghan security forces, ending British combat operations in the country. The union flag was lowered at Camp Bastion, while Camp Leatherneck – the adjoining US base – was also handed over to ‘Afghan’ control. The number of deaths of British troops throughout the conflict stands at 453.

