Interview: U.S. Is Effectively A Belligerent In Gaza Attack

Press TV
July 29, 2014
US is ‘effectively a partner to’ Israel’s war on Gaza: Rozoff
An American anti-war activist says the US is “effectively a partner to” Israel’s deadly campaign against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, but is just trying to appear “even-handed.”
“The US Middle Eastern policy, particularly that in relation to Israel and Palestine, is in the American perspective, on the world stage at any rate, public relations enterprise more than anything else. That the US wants to appear to be even-handed as absurd as that is,” said Rick Rozoff with the Stop NATO International Network.
“The fact that Israel is the largest recipient of US foreign aid, and certainly of military aid, automatically disqualifies the United States as an honest broker in any conflict between” Palestinians and Israel, he added.
Rozoff made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Tuesday as he commented on recent remarks made by US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who said Israel needs more financial aid from the United States for its offensive against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. 
Reid, a member of the Democratic Party, warned that the Obama administration’s $225 million request to aid Israel during its current war may not be enough, as the Zionist regime continues to massacre Palestinians in Gaza.
The US role appears to “be kind of a quartermaster that supplies, in this instance, military materiel and hardware to Israel and they deplete their largely-US-acquired military stockpiles during the course of a war such as that they’re conducting in the Gaza Strip currently,” Rozoff told Press TV.
Israel has been relentlessly pounding the Gaze Strip for 22 consecutive days now. About 1,200 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks and over 6,700 others have been injured.
Israel’s brutal atrocities against Palestinians are heavily funded by Washington as US annual military aid to Israel has been elevated from $2.4 billion to $3.1 billion through 2017 under an existing agreement.
“We see the US far from being a fair-minded negotiator between the two sides; [the US] as being in essence a belligerent that is supporting Israel so unequivocally and so extensively as to be effectively a partner to the war in Gaza right now. That’s really the role of the United States, as it is in many other places from Syria to Ukraine,” Rozoff noted.
