Interview Special: Mark Crispin Miller and Lance deHaven Smith Comment on “Blame Russia” Meme

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At Project Censored's 4oth anniversary conference, Prof. Mark Crispin Miller and Prof. Lance deHaven Smith comment on current propaganda.Miller is professor of Media & Communications at NYU and author of many books, including Fooled Again, about stolen elections.  Smith is professor emeritus at Florida State, in public policy and administration, and author of the important book, Conspiracy Theory in America.
Both Miller and Smith challenge the overheated campaign rhetoric blaming Russia for hacks of the DNC and John Podesta's emails, and explicitly reject Hillary Clinton's claim in the third debate that "17 intelligence agencies" confirm Russia as the perpetrator.
In addition, Miller comments on the recent legal breakthrough in Arizona, where election activists led by John Brakey are fighting to preserve digital ballot images in order to audit election tabulations.
