An Independent Media Outlet For the People Can Only Be Made Possible By the People

Say NO to Corporate & Dynasty-Foundations Funded Pseudo Alternatives- Support This Solely People-Subsidized Alternative
We are two weeks into our quarterly fundraising and over half way there. We have established a four-year track record as a news and multimedia website with integrity that is operated independent from any corporate or partisan agenda machines. We do not receive a single penny from the corporates or corporate-foundations or billionaire dynasties or divisive partisan operatives. This has been possible solely through our subscribers and contributors: That is you the people.
We provide you with our original daily podcast shows, exclusive investigative video reports, news, views, analyses and editorial toons. We can only continue and expand through your commitment to support us as a truly independent nonpartisan alternative- because there is no other way around it. A truly independent alternative media outlet for the people can only be made possible by the people: People-subsidized news operations. That is ‘You.’
You can read our previous posts on the programs, news and information we provide at Boiling Frogs Post here. You can also read the analysis on why we need people-subsidized media outlets here.
We are doing our best despite all the obstacles and challenges thrown at us by the establishment. You must do your best as well: Determine whether a real independent alternative media has a chance among establishment-infested propaganda moguls. Please do your share: Make a statement by supporting a real alternative.
Sibel Edmonds
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Or if you would prefer to contribute by check, make it payable to “Boiling Frogs Post“, and mail to:

Boiling Frogs Post
PO Box 880
Bend, OR 97709

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You can sign up for our recurring annual subscription program for $50 or more, or if you prefer recurring monthly subscription payments you can sign up for monthly $5 or more. Your subscription will give you access to all our weekly exclusive multimedia reports, including The EyeOpener Video Report with James Corbett, De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez, The Boiling Frogs Show , Peter B. Collins Processing Distortion, and  Empire, Power, and People Podcast Report. You can sign up for recurring annual or monthly subscription here: