Important Health Report: The Vaccine Scam Is Far Worse Than Anyone Realizes

* First an important note:  I am indeed going to take some time off starting this coming week, possibly Monday... I do need some rest and will be taking a short vacation break for the upcoming week, only to return the following Sunday to get out my weekend "rant"... I have been under tremendous stress at both work and in some aspects of my personal life, and I am desperately needing some relaxation and a short vacation to recuperate... I hope my readership understands, and hopefully after taking a week off, I should be 're-energized'..... I was out and about just the other day and I had to go to the local pharmacy to get some muscle relaxant and some ointment for my shoulder and arm that are in the final stages of recovery.... I could not help but notice when I entered the pharmacy door a HUGE sign that greeted patrons stating "It is now flu season, and it is still not too late to get your flu shot to prevent the flu"..... And yes, that pharmacy and so many other similar stores are absolutely plastering advertisements everywhere almost begging people to line up and allow them to inject their bodies with poisons....I have already put out a long list of articles at this blog covering the dangers of 'vaccines' and trying to hammer home the fact to people that these chemicals absolutely do NOT work and will only do harmful damage to your body and especially your immune system..... But I found one article late last week from Jim Stone's website, at, that lays it out clearly that vaccines are indeed a scam, and that the level of criminality by Big Pharma and our crooked governments in trying to get everyone "vaccinated" is far worse than anyone ever thought possible.... I have that article right here to share with my own readers, and of course I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:The vaccine scam is far worse than anyone realizesJim Stone January 17 2019When the claims are that most kids are going to be autistic in a little over 10 years it is pretty obvious there is something seriously wrong. Worse yet, the most affected are white males, - the exact group under attack as adults now - by a stunning stark majority. That parallel is obvious, and should not be overlooked.It is annoying to have trolls claim anti-vaxxers are anti-science when people who realize something is amiss speak up. Obviously the goal is to make people feel stupid for SCIENTIFICALY observing the obvious - too many kids start to sink mentally or get damaged after "vaccination" and many go autistic. Trolls call anyone who notices a problem after the shots "anti science" but that's really a weak statement when anyone with any observational ability can see it clearly now, the scam is wide open. "Science" is nothing more than experimenting, documenting, hypothesizing, theorizing - gathering evidence to prove a reality.We have ALL the evidence we need to prove the reality behind what is happening to our kids.Don't forget, - the Italian government ousted it's entire vaccine board and the new people appointed to that board did lab testing of a 6 in 1 childhood vaccine over Christmas 2018 and discovered it had NONE of the antigens for the diseases it was supposed to prevent, and NONE of the listed ingredients to boot. That proves there's no curative science behind what they are claiming is a vaccine, which begs the question: What the hell are those shots?CLEARLY, if they don't have any of the listed antigens needed to trigger an immune response against a particular disease, and don't even have the listed ingredients, they are not vaccines at all.So what are the shots really for? It's called Eugenics. A weapons program launched by an elite few who want to seek permanent dominance by destroying everyone else, especially their greatest competition - the white male.It is not a matter of questioning what is "in those shots" anymore, it is instead a question of "what the hell the shots really are".It has become awful damn obvious our children are NOT being vaccinated anymore, they are instead receiving injections that determine what they will be when they grow up, decided just after birth by truly despicable heathens. The white race is destroyed by eugenics injections disguised as vaccines a lot worse than any other race. The white race is being trashed and maligned EVERYWHERE more than any other race. The white race is being asked to bend and compromise, and give up everything it is more than any other race, and if anyone resists, they are called a bigot. A racist. A supremacist. WHY?The writing is on the wall. We are at war. We are already so destroyed it may be too late to fight back.The mind control aspect of this war is too entrenched for many to even hope of recovering from, and that recovery is the first step to saying NO to phony shots that will definitely destroy us if we fail to find a way to prevent them en masse. The white race has been tricked into despising itself. How do you go from despising your race to saying no to it's destruction, especially when the dagger of destruction is in a shot pushed by people who hide under a cloak of goodness and claim authority and credibility? Many people won't make it. The losses are going to be extreme.NTS Notes: Of course the naysayers will come out and ask WHY I support the works of Jim Stone, considering the fact that he is so endeared with the crooked and Jew dick sucking US President Donald Drumpf....I have always said that I want people to read the MESSAGES rather than try to shoot the messenger... Jim Stone has it wrong on so many subjects, including Project Apollo which is and always has been a fraud, and of course his love of Donald Drumpf... But when it comes to subjects such as the criminality of the Jewish elitist pricks and of course vaccinations, he is spot on..I also need not remind everyone that I did indeed cover the Italian government's investigation into vaccines and their findings that they can not possibly work since they did not contain the chemicals necessary to fight the 'diseases' that they were supposedly designed to fight... That only proved once again that vaccines have a different and more diabolical purpose..Jim is indeed right about the usage of vaccines for 'eugenics' and the wiping out of certain groups of people, especially white males.... And we have already seen how vaccines are clearly linked to the explosion of diseases such as Autism and other neurological disorders... So the question then becomes as to WHY in the hell would anyone with two brain cells to rub together ever go out and get "vaccinated"?There is a war going on right now, and sadly too many people are too stupid and do not have the common sense to even bother to research properly into vaccines... Those people would rather believe the lies that they are told and go out like dumb ass sheep to line up and allow these criminals to inject poisons into their bodies without any thought!  Sadly, these idiots seem to be the majority out there in spite of efforts to try to show them the truth about how deadly vaccines actually are...Yes, the vaccine scam is far far worse than anyone realizes... I have been and will continue to hammer here the facts and to try to get more people to simply say "no" to vaccines... Our very future is indeed at stake..More to comeNTS