Important Health Report: Toxic Air: Aviation Industry Is Hiding A Deadly Secret - It Is Poisoning Its Airplane Passengers!

I came across the following information actually about two weeks ago.... Since my discovery of this information, I did a bit of research into how far back this trouble goes and WHY very few people are even aware of this major problem..... It does indeed concern the air travel industry and zeros in on a major flaw in airplane design that creates a serious health issue.... I want to share those findings here......Many people are totally unaware of the insidious fact that when they fly in our commercial airliners, the very air they breathe in the pressurized cabins of almost ALL aircraft in the air today may actually be KILLING them.... The problem stems from a major flaw in almost all aircraft design specifically in how air is taken into the aircraft to pressurize the passenger cabin..... It appears that air comes in through the jet engines of the aircraft and therefore is exposed to every single possible carcinogenic chemical that is produced in those jet engines!  This is astounding, and as I stated, I was absolutely unaware of this major flaw and how it may indeed be poisoning and even killing passengers and aircraft crews!First, I want to present the following very important video that I came across two weeks ago, that exposes this major problem of the airline industry... And shows the contempt of these companies in NOT properly addressing this issue and instead ignoring it completely.... Here is that video for everyone to see for themselves:OK, again I was not even aware of this issue for again I have never taken the time to actually look at aircraft design, and I for one was always led to believe that cabin air was taken into the aircraft itself by some other means.....Honestly, it appears that this SERIOUS FLAW in aircraft design was well known by the aircraft manufacturers and the airlines for the last 1/2 century at least, and rather than look for ways to alleviate this problem, they mostly ignored it!And... I am not the only ones who are now looking into this problem, for I discovered the following report from the Waking Times website that also takes a close look at this major problem... Here is the link to that Waking Times report here: Notes:  I do wonder WHY there have not been more reports about this astounding issue, especially when we consider that there are MILLIONS of passengers that daily use airlines as their primary method of transport around the world?   It would be shocking to have to tell them all that the very aircraft that they are flying in may actually be killing them!I for one have always enjoyed using airlines as my primary method of getting to vacation hot spots and travel around the world for decades... I too have been unaware that the very air I was breathing in those pressurized cabins was NOT safe and full of dangerous toxins..... Therefore this information has indeed been a severe eye opener even to myself....Yes, apparently the aircraft manufacturers are ONLY now taking action to alleviate this problem with their new designs for air intake in more modern aircraft such as the Boeing 787, and most probably many new aircraft also manufactured by Airbus.... BUT the big question is: What the hell took them so long?  The answer  may be because they cared more about PROFITS rather than worrying about the safety of their passengers!This issue is not over by a long shot, and I will be keeping tabs on any new reports that come out and will share them with my own readers here... Stay tuned...More to comeNTS