Important Health News: Vaccines Do NOT Work - Shocking Report Reveals 1000% Increase In Flu Shot Injuries In One Year!

Just a few days ago, I put out yet another important report concerning the FRAUD of vaccines and how it is so important that everyone absolutely resist all of the propaganda, and the psychological war being waged against our minds, to go out and get their "annual flu shot"..... I have already put out countless articles at this blog concerning the lies about Vaccines overall, and what I was alerted to the other day is something that everyone must take heed on....Yesterday, a colleague sent me the following video and said that it was exactly what I needed to present here at this blog... This one comes from the people over at "Infowars" and reveals some most shocking testimony and reports that there has been over a 1000% increase in Flu Shot injuries in the last year alone in the United States.... First, here is that video for everyone to see for themselves, and of course I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: OK, I am not a "great fan" of Infowars for I have absolutely seen through "Alex Jones" and his refusal to name the Jews as the criminals out for our destruction... However, I have also always said that I will put up anything here at this blog that is truthful and important to readers even if it does come from websites such as "Infowars"... And yes, this information is indeed dynamite...Please also understand that I do not endorse the products that are sold through "Infowars".... I myself ignored the section of that video that was used as the usual sales pitches for products, and instead want everyone to concentrate on the pertinent information provided that shows how Vaccines are indeed deadly to human health...Well, there you have it... Further information that indeed shows how Big Pharma and the criminals behind the whole concept of vaccination are willfully doing harm to our bodies in trying to destroy our immune systems... I again must state it here clearly that VACCINES DO NOT WORK, and I stand behind that assertion..And as I said in my previous post, there are much better alternatives to vaccines for your proper health and to avoid getting Influenza this season... Proper hygiene, including proper hand washing is a must... Also i have always emphasized the importance of exercise and nutrition for keeping our immune systems strong... AND of course I have always been a proponent of the need to take vitamin supplements including Vitamin C and Vitamin D to boost our immune systems.... These are all better alternatives to allowing criminals to roll up your sleeves and inject our bodies with their poisons, definitely..More to comeNTS