Important Health News: Another Vaccine "Bombshell" - Think Monsanto's Round Up (Glyphosate) - Confirmed In Most Vaccines!

* I decided to take "Labor Day" off for some much needed rest and relaxation... Stress from being overworked and underpaid these days has indeed been taking its toll.. But I am back and raring to go and there is a lot to catch up on!In my Sunday rant, I did quickly mention that reports have come forward showing clearly that the criminals in charge of our Pharmaceutical industry have been purposely poisoning our "vaccines" with not only the usual Mercury as well as Squalene and other deadly adjuvants, but have also included the horrific Cancer causing chemical Glyphosate in the mix....To give further proof that the criminal corporation, Monsanto (many have been calling them "Mon-Satan" and justifiably so) has indeed been placing their horrific chemical Glyphosate into vaccines, I want to turn to the following Youtube video, entitled: "Anthony Samsel On Vaccines Contaminated With Glyphosate", to see the evidence for themselves... I have that video right here and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  I for one am not at all shocked by the findings presented in this video, for I have stated for YEARS now that everyone should absolutely NOT be taking these vaccines into their bodies, and should absolutely refuse to have their own children subjected to the poisons that they contain...Yes Monsanto is adding their horrendous chemical, Glyphosate, to our vaccines, and it is being done for the diabolical purpose of making us all sick.... Glyphosate has been linked to a wide variety of illnesses including Cancer, and has been also linked to causing damage to our reproductive systems as well...So once again we find further evidence of how vaccines are being used to weaken our immune systems and destroy our health.... I again ask that everyone take this video and show it to others as proof that vaccines absolutely do NOT work and in fact are absolutely being used to ruin our bodies....More to comeNTS