How does the DHS get into the brain relay? Basics - The Hamer's Foci

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 How does the DHS get into the brain relay?

deepL translate :

The pivotal point in Germanic medicine is the DHS. When it has "hit", it is important to find it out, which is sometimes difficult when it has been a long time. This is due to the fact that we could not use Germanic medicine in a timely manner because it was unknown to us and that we are predisposed to repress unpleasant and shocking experiences from our consciousness. This phenomenon of repression is often seen, for example, in cases of sexual abuse or separation conflicts, where forgetting [for a short time] is the biological sense.
So how does the DHS get into the respective Hamer's Foci?
First of all, the conditions for a DHS [Dirk Hamer Syndrome] must be present. These are always and in every case always the same, namely:
1. the event is a highly acute dramatic shock for the person affected.
2. the person feels the shock isolatively, cannot or does not want to talk about it.
3. the event comes as a complete surprise, one did not expect it, one was caught on the wrong foot.
In short: highly acute-dramatic, isolating, surprising.
If these 3 conditions come together in one second, a DHS is present. If one of these conditions is missing, for example it is not surprising, no DHS is triggered. 
Highly acutely dramatic: Here it is important to know that it is important that at the moment of the DHS it was perceived as highly acutely dramatic. If one assesses the same situation later, it may well be that with some distance afterwards one no longer feels it to be so dramatic. An indication of the presence of a DHS often results from expressions of the person affected: "That was the worst thing I have experienced so far!", "It went through my marrow", etc.
felt isolatively: One can also experience a conflict shock as isolative when one is among people, i.e. not alone. Example: Imagine you are giving a talk to an important audience. You want to start a company and are desperate to win over those present. It is really important for you because your future depends on it. In the middle of the talk you realise that your fly is wide open and everyone has seen it. You see your project as a failure, you are terribly embarrassed and at this moment you would like to sink into the ground. So you are not alone and you still find it isolating at that second. 
surprising: I think this point is understandable for everyone. Imagine you go to work and the boss calls you into his office. You have a good relationship with the boss and think he just wants to chat, as he often does. Instead, you are abruptly slapped with a dismissal without notice. Phrases: "It hit me like a bolt of lightning!", "It came out of the blue!", "It caught me completely off guard!" etc.
So, if these conditions are met, the DHS strikes in the Hamer's foci . The question now is, in which brain relay does this "impact" take place? Or, in other words, how does the DHS find the right Hamerian hearth and then generate the target configuration there, which in the brain Ct is a sign of the active phase of the Meaningful Biological Special Programme. 

Continuation - How does the DHS get into the brain relay?
deepL translate:
This is solely due to the sensation that is generated or one can say it is due to the thoughts that go through the head of the affected person in the second of the impact [= involuntary thought assignment]. On the basis of these thoughts/sensations, the assignment [association] to the corresponding biological area of imagination, e.g. "lumps", takes place, which in turn manifests itself in the corresponding part of the brain [here the brain stem] and gives rise to the Hamers' focus there.
The brain is able to further differentiate this initial association depending on which aspect [or aspects] of the sensation was present. After the impact of the DHS, the organ effect is always fixed, since each Hamer Focus is assigned to "its organ". I.e., if the DHS has hit a certain relay, then we also only have the corresponding effect [cell plus, cell minus, loss of function] on this certain organ or on this certain tissue or the corresponding part of the body.
A man has trouble with his neighbour. The two had played the lottery together for many years and were quite good friends. It was the neighbour's responsibility to keep the jointly paid lottery ticket. One day, the right numbers were drawn in the lottery and there was a considerable prize. However, the neighbour did not think of giving the man his half share and henceforth "played dead". 
This was highly-acutely dramatic for the manisolatively felt and he had not expected this in his life and he associated the half share of the lottery win as an anger-conflict "fight for the lump", with impact of the DHS in the HH for the pancreatic cancer. 
If this man had had other thoughts at the moment of the DHS, e.g. "I cannot finally digest this lump [lottery win], because I cannot collect it from the neighbour" [in the figurative sense, cannot appropriate, receive, utilise], then the impact of the DHS would be found in the HH for the stomach cancer. Here we see that the perceived aspect is only slightly different.
However, the man in question could also have reacted with a severe self-esteem collapse with regard to the bones if the thought assignment/feeling at the moment of the DHS had been completely different: e.g. "I will never manage to get my share from the neighbour because I am much too weak for that". This is where the assignment to the conceptual area of "self-worth" occurs and can generate an impact of the DHS in the HH for the spine [central personality-self-worth impact].
Of course, any number of other possibilities could be enumerated from this example alone. What is conflictual for one person is by no means necessarily so for another. Of course, it is also possible that the man does not care at all whether his neighbour keeps his share of the lottery winnings or not, since he himself is a multiple millionaire. 
So we see that for the "certain" impact of the HH it depends solely on what the person concerned associates mentally at the moment of the DHS, which biological area of imagination he assigns the process to and which aspects are present. 
Dr. Hamer put it this way: We think that we think, but we are thought at the moment of the DHS.


Basics - The Hamer's Foci
deepL translate:
Originally, it was not customary to produce a cranial CT or MRI in the case of cancer, unless the orthodox physicians had the justified hope that metastases were present in the brain. So when the orthodox doctors do an MRI, the patient is injected with a contrast medium, which makes the HH appear very dangerous because of the increased local metabolism. They call this brain relay, which is coloured in this way, a brain tumour. Once this diagnosis was established, it was often certain death, as only 2% of patients survived this nightmare of orthodox medicine due to the measures [radiation, biopsy, brain surgery with cutting out the brain relay....]. 
However, Dr. Hamer knew already one year after the discovery of the New Medicine that it could not be brain tumours, but that it had something to do with the healing phase and the biological conflict process. After all, he had already found out about the two-phase nature of SBS, as long as there is conflict resolution. From this he concluded that if this "brain tumour" could be found as such a manifestation in the second phase, there must also be something comparably visible in the first, i.e. the conflict-active phase of SBS in the corresponding brain relay. 
In fact there was, but the orthodox medical radiologists dismissed the discovered structures of the brain relay as so-called ring artefacts, which were technically conditioned. Dr. Hamer, however, did not let up, but insisted and his colleagues coined the term in which they called the structures they had found "strange Hamer's foci".
What does the Hamer's Herd [HH] look like in the individual phases?
Conflict-active phase:
From the second of impact of the DHS, the HH can be photographed in the corresponding brain relay in the cranial CT and appears in the slice as a sharp-ringed structure in the shape of a bullet. The corresponding brain relay in the active phase of an SBS = Hamerscher Herd [HH] is actually a spherical structure [we only see the shooting disc in section]. The HH increases in extent with the duration of the conflict, i.e. a larger and larger area is affected or stimulated more intensively. The HH can be seen in this sharp-ringed structure as long as the Sensible Biological Special Programme is in the conflict-active phase. At the same time, of course, the organ process [cell plus, cell minus, loss of function] progresses.
Healing phase:
As soon as the conflict is resolved, the repair of the HH begins in addition to the repair of the tissue/organ. Edema increasingly forms in the affected brain relay [pcl phase A] and at the same time glia [brain connective tissue] is stored to restore the original state of the brain relay as far as possible, which in turn is important for subsequent DHS of the same relay. 
A good friend shared with me just this week that her aunt was treated to death by the orthodox medical diagnosis of "brain tumour" and the subsequent measures taken = murder. 
In the case of a HH in oedema, the healing phase, it should also be mentioned that it is a space-consuming process in the brain, so it creates a certain pressure. This results in headaches or possibly other distortions of perception. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to open the skull to counteract this.
The pictures below show the HH in the different phases.

Hamer's  foci 
deepL translate:
HH in a conflictive phase [disc-shaped, sharp-ringed].
see attachment - CT Scan 1
HH in healing phase, oedematised,
misinterpreted by orthodox medicine as a brain tumour.
see attachment - CT Scan 2

Layers of the cranial CT
deepL translate :
For the purposes of Germanic medicine, and provided you have someone who is skilled in reading the skull CT, it should be prepared as follows:
- Standard layer to the base of the skull
- without contrast medium
See Attahment


Basics - The Hamer Foci  II ( HH ) 
deepL translate:
In the previous article we saw how the HH behaves in the various phases of the respective Sensible Biological Special Programme [SBS]. Thus, when all the conditions are met [highly acute-dramatic, isolatively felt, caught on the wrong foot], the DHS strikes the corresponding brain relay, so that the HH comes into being. 
The HH now has the task of controlling the tissue/organ to which it is connected during the term of the SBS. Depending on which tissue is present, it thus ensures that either cell plus, cell minus or a meaningful functional failure occurs. After conflict resolution, the HH is also repaired in the healing phase in parallel with the tissue/organ to be ready for the next DHS. This is done by storing water [oedema] and glia [brain connective tissue] followed by crisis, where the water is squeezed out of the HH again.
The SBS are intended by nature to be used only once. If, for example, an animal to which Germanic medicine also applies has suffered a DHS and subsequently resolved the conflict, it learns from this to avoid this situation in the future, completely instinctively, completely biologically. 
We, on the other hand, according to Dr. Hamer, live in a "civilisation junk society", absolutely non-biological and often fall into the same traps again and again and thus suffer conflict recurrences that lead to chronic illnesses. Which animal mother would separate herself from her young and have it looked after by others, as we do in crèches and kindergartens and schools? What animal would run over and over again to someone who is always beating it up? Not one animal would do this. 
We humans, on the other hand, do this all the time, because of external circumstances. We run to the same company every day, even though they humiliate us, exploit us and make us compete with each other just to generate our income. Or we enter into partnerships that are constantly good for conflict, where we are humiliated just to not be alone. Exactly there, everywhere, we suffer conflicts that would not be the order of the day in a biological society. 
Of course, we cannot avoid all conflicts, because Mother Nature has given every biological conflict a biological meaning, for example, to ensure the hierarchy and thus the survival of the species. But it is important to understand that conflicts once experienced should be seen as a warning for the future.
The brain consists of four brain parts that developed one after the other and are therefore of different ages. The oldest brain part [which is not the subject of the following] is located in the nucleus of each cell [organ brain]. 
Brain parts in developmental order:
> brain stem [with midbrain]
> cerebellum
Old brain
> Cerebrum medulla
> cerebral cortex [cortex]
In the following pictures, which show the schematic sections through the above-mentioned brain parts, we can see the "maps" of the brain relays, which in the case of SBS become the Hamersian foci. Each "organ" has its Hameric focus.


CT scan  & Hamer Focus Trailer

1 min 30 sec.