How the Clean Up the Pacific Ocean

The level of plastic build-up in the world’s oceans has reach a critical stage where it is now making its way into the marine food chain – and into our human diet. It seems like an impossible problem. However, there may be an innovative solution on the horizon.
Boyan Slat is founder and CEO of The Ocean Cleanup, a Dutch foundation developing advanced engineering and technologies which may help to rid the planet’s oceans of plastic. Recently, they have announced a design breakthrough which will allow for the cleanup of approximately half the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” – in just 5 years. Slat has invented a simple system – a mobile, drifting system which works with ocean currents to catch a magnitude of macro and micro plastics which are accumulating and are floating on the sea’s surface. The system is still in development and has its share of technical hitches still to sort out, but the concept appears to be the best solution presented to date. Watch:

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