How Bernie Can Still Become President This Year

“Hillary slams the door on Bernie,” screamed a headline after Bernie Sanders failed to win in Ohio.  Once again, the left most Democratic Party candidate has been thwarted.  Most of the super delegates, an anti-democratic rule employed to keep a leftist candidate from having a chance, have gone to Madam Clinton.
But even as events would appear to go against the left in this election, other events have opened the possibility for a race which could actually allow voters a choice this year.  Before we show how Bernie could get back into the race, let’s address the Republican side first.
This morning, as I write this, a story is breaking at Politico alleging that influential conservatives are meeting to discuss how to run a third party challenger against Donald Trump.
But Republicans might balk at this if it becomes a race of The Donald vs. Hillary vs. New Conservative, as the conservative vote would obviously be split, putting Clinton into the White House.
Which is precisely the reason many leftist Democrats don’t want to vote Green, out of fear of splitting the vote allowing Trump to win (assuming, as it would appear that he is the Republican candidate).
But what if conservative Republicans and leftist Democrats were assured their efforts in opposing the establishment parties would be balanced?
What if Bernie accepted the nomination of the Green Party and ran on a ticket with Jill Stein?  The Greens are already on the ballot in many states.
This would give hope to the conservatives, who have conservative parties already on the ballot in many states.
What we would wind up with is a system that takes away lesser evil voting, so that conservatives need not fear voting against Trump, and leftists need not fear voting against Clinton.
People could vote for someone they wanted, for a change, rather than someone to stop what they see as a greater evil.
It would still take compromise.  Many of my friends on the left are suspicious of Bernie because he’s voted for military spending and some wars.
Many on the right seem to oppose almost anyone who they see as at all agreeing with anyone in government, so the conservative candidate would not get universal support any more than would Sanders.
But we would have the closest thing to democracy in any presidential election of my lifetime, going back over 70 years.
I would ask Greens to consider this, there’s still plenty of time before your convention.  I would ask Bernie supporters to push their candidate to agree.  And lastly, I would ask conservatives to go ahead and make this all possible by running a candidate against Trump.
I believe in a 4 way race Sanders would have the advantage.  He would have the masses of young voters he’s put together, combined with the established Greens, who share the same values.  As I said when he threw his hat in the ring, the Democrats will not allow him to win the nomination.
Trump’s support would be much narrower in a national election, as he’s alienated a great many people based on race, gender, ethnicity and even his own party affiliation.  The conservative choice and Clinton would split the moderate vote, leaving Sanders the winner.