Hollywood MUST Die: Sickos In That Cesspool Release New Movie Glorifying Pedophilia, And Have The Nerve To Call It "Oscar Worthy"

I am so sick of that cesspool called "Hollywood" or as I call it "Jew-lywood" because it is run, dominated, and fully controlled by the tribe of sickos and perverts.....We have already seen the sickness of "Hollywood" come out into the open over the last few months with the full exposure of some of the most vile JEWISH sick freaks imaginable and their sexual deviancy.... More and more women (and some men) are finally coming forward, in spite of the threats coming from the tribe itself, and are willing to spill their guts about how they were subjected to the most vile and inhumane treatments conducted by these freaks..... Yes, the exposure of the sexual immorality of "Hollywood" is finally out in the open and we were all hoping by now that for that cesspool of filth to survive, it would clean up its act, get rid of some of the worse psychos and deviants that have polluted it for years, and finally concentrate on changing their entire method of making 'movies' and actually start making and promoting films that actually promoted family values and virtues.. But once again the morality of that cesspool knows no bounds and they are continuing to pump out their sickness and propaganda bullshit showing such sickness even now!I came across the following report today, that comes from the Natural News website at www.naturalnews.com, that shows the immorality of "Hollywood" and how that filthy sickness has reached a new level of depravity, and it almost made me vomit... For according to the following report that I have the link to here, apparently "Hollywood" is going absolutely gaga over its newest "movie" that actually promotes pedophilia by portraying sex between a grown man and a boy!   Here is that link, and I have more thoughts and comments to follow:https://www.naturalnews.com/2017-12-13-hollyweird-amid-sex-scandals-galore-tinsel-town-releases-acclaimed-film-featuring-man-boy-love.htmlNTS Notes: Well, there you have it... Rather than actually try to clean up its act, "Jewlywood" is actually doubling down or "raising on a busted flush" by promoting this garbage....  The real vomiting thing about this is how they are actually "promoting" this sickness and calling it a possible "Oscar winner" for next spring!When I first found out a few weeks back about this "film" and how it was getting "accolades" especially at that ridiculous "Golden Globes" awards, I thought that the criminal Jews behind the sickness of "Hollywood" would not dare try to release this thing to the general public, knowing how they have been under fire for their sexual deviancy... But here we go and they are indeed sick freaks that are promoting and pushing this filth to the general public....Honestly, this shows that "Jewlywood" aka "Hollywood" is not going to stop in warping the minds of the Gentiles and other suckers out there that actually go to watch their filth.... I said it before and I will say it again, this entire sick organization must be destroyed and the sickos behind it must be put out of business forever.... I sure hope that most people with good moral judgment and not wanting to see Pedophilia continue, will see the same thing and demand the destruction of "Hollywood" once and for all...More to comeNTS