Hawaii's Republican Party Did To Their Own Trump What The National GOP is Afraid To Do To Trumpanzee Himself

The Republican Party-- especially although not exclusively the Trumpanzee Republican Party-- combines a hatred and bigtry wing with a greed and selfishness wing. And the chat between Dan Rather and Rachel Maddow in the video above focused on David Bossie from the former and Robert Mercer from the latter, both equally dangerous to the country and equally contemptible. The kind of people who support Trump and the same kinds of haters and sociopaths that supported the breakup of the U.S. leading up to the Civil War. But what that got to do with Hawaii?Well, it turns out Hawaii has it's own Trumpist candidate, Angela Kaaihue, running for... well, running for just about everything and anything. Last I could tell she was running for mayor of Honolulu and against Tulsi Gabbard as a Republican in the 2nd congressional district and as Democrat in the special election to fill the remainder of Mark Takai's freshman term in the 1st congressional district. Mark Takai died of cancer and Kaaihue had been running against him as the "candidate without cancer." She's a typically disgusting, revolting, completely narcissistic Trumpist who no one could imagine anyone voting for. Except she won the Republican primary for HI-02 a couple weeks ago, so several thousand people did vote for this hate-spewing racist monstrosity. Even before being disowned by the Republican Party of Hawaii a couple days ago, people were starting to get an understanding about the depths of depravity from which Kaaihue crawled out from.Friday, the Party chairman, Fritz Rohlfing, urged Republicans to disavow her candidacy and not vote for her. "I want it understood by the general public and the media that the recent inflammatory comments made by candidate for Congress (CD2) Angela Kaaihue do not represent the views, values, or the sentiments of our party and its members. Her vulgar, racially-bigoted, and religiously-intolerant descriptions of Democratic Party candidates are offensive, shameful, and unacceptable in public discourse. I unconditionally denounce her despicable statements." This is her:Hawaii's biggest voting block are Japanese Americans are she's denounced them. She's denounced all non-Christians, particularly Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims and has called them traitors to America. She claims her hateful campaign is a war between "the righteous and the unrighteous, between God and Satan... Angela’ means messenger of God. My whole family is Christian." Jesus must be rolling his eyes. This is from her bizarre and hate-filled Facebook account:She uses that Facebook account to insist her political opponents, like Congresswomen Gabbard and Hanabusa, Mayor Caldwell and Governor Ige are non-Christians devil worshipers. Last week, the Republicans finally kicked her out of the party altogether:

The Hawaii Republican Party has terminated the membership of Angela Kaaihue, a controversial Congressional candidate who's made national headlines for her distasteful signs and vulgar social media posts."In accordance with the rules of the Hawaii Republican Party, our party has terminated the membership of Ms. Kaaihue based on her public statements on social media that she is 'not a Republican,'" said party Chairman Fritz Rohlfing."Additionally, Ms. Kaaihue has filed as a Democrat in the upcoming special election for the remainder of the term of the late U.S. Rep. Mark Takai in Congressional District 1.Kaaihue, who was previously running against incumbent U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, announced over the weekend she would be running as a Democrat in the special election.Meanwhile, Hawaii’s Democratic Party said it would file a complaint with the First Circuit Court because Kaaihue is not a registered Democrat.In response, Kaaihue issued a statement inviting the legal challenge."I'm not in violation of any policies," she said. "As far as I'm concerned, changing parties is construed as a positive thing."

A lot of the vitriol from this sociopath and Trumpist seems to stem from a real estate dispute with Gov. Ige and she claims she'd be willing to drop out of the election contests if he'd drop his lawsuit against her. She's Donald Trump in a hula skirt and a lei.