Has Mueller Flipped Flynn?

The Trumpanzee and Flynn camps are beginning to turn on each other. This  morning on Fox, Trump loyalist/lobbyist Corey Lewandowski said that "The bottom line is if Michael Flynn did something wrong by not disclosing the relationships he had with Turkey and other governments, then he should be accountable for that." Yesterday, Trump seemed to be making a veiled reference to Flynn when he told Coast Guard members that "even if they’re allies, you never know about an ally; an ally can turn." That came right after Flynn's lawyers told the Trumpanzee legal team that they are no longer willing to communicate with them about Mueller’s investigation into Putin-Gate, a big change in strategy. Most observers say that that's an indication that Mueller has Flynn over a legal barrel and that he's decided to cooperate in the investigation of someone up the ladder, presumably Kushner-in-law or Trump himself.

Flynn's counsel was reportedly disclosing information on Mueller's investigation into the potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, until they notified Trump's legal team of the stop, four sources involved in the case said to the Times.Withholding information from Trump's counsel does not necessarily mean Flynn is cooperating with Mueller's investigation, given that lawyers sometimes do so when they begin the negotiation process with prosecutors, the Times reported. Sharing information amongst defense lawyers during investigations is also common, though the defendant's counsel must stop when a conflict of interest is raised, the report continued."This is not entirely unexpected," said Jay Sekulow, one of Trump's attorneys, in a Washington Post report Thursday. "No one should draw the conclusion that this means anything about General Flynn cooperating against the president."Previously, Flynn reportedly told the FBI and investigators that he would submit himself to be interviewed in exchange for immunity, according to officials cited in a Wall Street Journal report in March....Flynn and his son, Michael Flynn Jr., are believed to be at the center of Mueller's widening investigation, in which Mueller is believed to have enough evidence to indict the two. Mueller is believed to be shifting his focus towards Flynn after a federal grand jury indicted Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort in October, on various counts related to his work as a foreign agent and other financial crimes.