Has Hillary Clinton convinced Democrat Money to Throw 2014 Mid terms?

We here at The Jack Blood Show have already called the 2016 “selection” for the republicans. Even the “OLD Grand Party” will have a hard time messing this up. 2016 was turning into a perfect storm for a THIRD President Bush… Jebby Bush. Seems outrageous to you? I bet you said that in 2000 too.
Team Hillary is nothing if not desperate. This is her last go ’round!
When examining the murderous debacle known as the Benghazi attack, it’s not hard to see Mrs Clinton’s bloody fingerprints all over it. Why? Cui Bono? We contend that Romney backers, potentially Israel’s Mossad, and “retired” General Patreus (among others) colluded at Benghazi, and in Egypt; to damage Obama’s foreign policy Cred just days before the 2012 foreign policy debate. It didn’t work. The State Dept.’s  Prior knowledge, stand down, and cover up… Lay this directly at the hooves of one Hillary Clinton.
*(Some of you may remember that just after Benghazi, Mrs Clinton allegedly hit her head and was thereafter “fuzzy” on the details. At the hearing she was eventually forced to attend, she was defiant; stating that the TRUTH about how Benghazi happened “Didn’t matter”.)
Why would these criminal politicians and military men risk treason? The Clintons knew that if Obama were to be reelected, Hillary would have little chance in 2016. Had Mitt been selected, a democrat would have a much better chance in 2016, which is already shaping up to be an “anybody but a democrat” year.
This brings us back to 2014 and the mid term elections: This will either give Obama his “Trifecta” controlling the House, the Senate, and the White House…. (last time he had this they rammed through “Obama-Care” and the 1 trillion plus “stimulus plan”…. )  The “House can remain divided”, which has caused a backlash on Obama for the last 4 years, or the Dems can lose both the House and the Senate; casting the blame of the next two years leading up to 2016 squarely on the GOP.
A recent news item came our way, stating that Hillary has managed to get at least one DNC “Superpac” to pull financial support for the Mid Terms.
(See it here or below) All eggs are seeming being stored in the 2016 basket! Only the Clinton (or Bush) war machine has this kind of political power.
The problem here for Mrs Clinton is that if this doesn’t happen, and the prevailing Democrats incur the ire of voters, the final nail in Hillary’s coffin is hammered home.  However, and this is the alleged plan, IF the GOP wins back control of the Senate, and keeps control of the House of Reps…. Blame can then be cast on the republicans, and Team Hillary can go for the hail Mary in 2016. (Blocking every may runner along the way)
Such is the hubris coming from Clinton that she doesn’t seem all that concerned about being caught using her influence staging a dive in the 2014 Mid Terms. One might say that this particular hubris is justified by the wholesale worship of koolaid drinking Democrats, and the complete devotion of the money masters who own them.
ALSO: It should be noted that this didn’t work so well for the GOP in 2008. After Democrats won the 2006 mid-terms,Bush fatigue was just too great, and the Sen McCain /Gov Palin ticket was doomed to fail. Enter Obama.
As I’ve said…. This is all out desperation time for team Clinton, and knowing her by the trail of dead behind the Clinton dynasty… She is capable of anything!
Meanwhile… the rest of us that have been able to see through the ONE WAR PARTY collusion, and Wall Street’s endless funnel of Federal Reserve funny money fixing our “elections”… Have we finally had enough! Or, will it be another round of “thank you sir, may I have another”?
Its time to either grow that 3rd party everyone seems to be itching for, the PEOPLE’S PARTY…. Or boycott these sham selections as they happen!
~ Jack Blood
Hitlery Clinton – This woman doesn’t take NO for an answer!

Hillary Clinton Proves the Democrats are Toast in 2014

One of the biggest Democrat PAC’s will be sitting out the 2014 midterm elections and instead be focusing their efforts on getting Hillary Clinton elected in 2016. If this sounds like a poor strategy for winning in 2014 – you would be 100% correct!
The Democratic Party’s biggest super PAC, recently retooled as an early pro-Hillary Clinton effort, will sit out the midterm elections this year.
A spokesman with the group, Priorities USA Action, confirmed to BuzzFeed on Wednesday night that it would not be involved in House or Senate campaigns.
“House Majority PAC and Majority PAC are doing everything right and making a real difference. We fully support their efforts,” said the spokesman, Peter Kauffmann, referring to the main groups supporting Democratic congressional candidates.
The Democrat machine understands that the decisions they’ve made over the last 6 years have destroyed their opportunity for long term control of the government, so they’ve decided to build upon the fiefdom that President Obama has built with his executive orders and focus on the Presidency. I think they assume that if they can win the Presidency in 2016 they can make sure Obama’s Executive Orders remain in effect, and that with a “strong” politician like Hillary Clinton they can continue to expand the power of the Executive. They may have a point – Hillary Clinton is so beloved by her base that she could probably do no wrong. Her party would likely let her declare herself Queen and not even bat an eye… but it’s a big risk.

If the Republicans can take control of the legislature in 2014 and make changes that help to usher in recovery – or at the least try to do this and portray Obama as the obstacle to our recovery – then winning back the White House becomes a much more realistic possibility.

