Has Greece Suddenly Capitulated To The Rothschild Controlled European Union? The Assassination Of Greece....

When I first heard the news yesterday, I was astounded... How in the hell could the Greek Syriza government that was thrust into power by the Greek people with the understanding that it would not capitulate to the Jewish criminal banking monsters that have imposed crushing debt on that innocent nation?   To me, this has turned into a travesty for the Greek people, and does not bode well for the Syriza government as a whole... For this article, I want to turn to an interesting article by James Petras, through the Veterans News Now website, at www.veteransnewsnow.com that is entitled "The Assassination Of Greece"... In this article, James Petras gives a great summary of exactly how Greece got to the point that it is now, and what could happen in the immediate future if or not Greece surrenders to the criminal Jewish bankers that have their nation in a stranglehold due to "odious" debt.... I have the link to that article right here for everyone to view for themselves, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2015/02/21/515763the-assassination-of-greece/NTS Notes:  I agree with most of James Petras' points, but I do look at all debt itself as being a phantom and an illusion...And something that can easily be wiped out by the stroke of a pen....I have stated before that I do believe that there is no future for Greece in the fraud "European Union" that to me is nothing more than the criminal Rothschild's European empire....  Greece has suffered for too long now by the criminals that created their outrageous and very phoney debt that again could be wiped out by Syriza immediately... Greece should declare their debt null and void and leave the European Union immediately!Again, I am truly astounded by the actions of this Syriza government for caving in on the demands of the criminals that run the EU.... Their future is no longer with these monsters that seem to want to keep the Greeks enslaved for all eternity... The rightful action should still be for the Syriza government to do exactly what their own citizens demand and get the hell out of both the EU and NATO and take Russia's offer of economic help....At the same time they should have told the EU and the criminal Rothschild banksters to take their debt and shove it up their asses!I do hope that the Greek people awaken to this action by Syriza to delay any solution on their "debt problems" for another 4 months... They voted in this group with the understanding that they would indeed abide by their own mandates and free the Greek people from the fraud of debt.....If Syriza bows now, I indeed could see the Greek people back in the streets in another uprising very soon....More to comeNTS