Happy Canada Day To My Canadian Readers (And Friends Worldwide)

Today marks the 150th anniversary of the day way back in 1867 that the self governing British controlled colonies in North America north of the United States of America were given the right to join together in a "Dominion" within the British Empire to be called the "Dominion of Canada"....Four original "provinces" were formed within that Dominion, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia.... Other provinces joined after that July 1st date in 1867, with the last being the British colony of Newfoundland joining "Confederation" in 1949......Many Canadians have been wrongfully taught that Canada became a "nation" in 1867, but that is actually false... Canada was still a full part of the British Empire and not an actual nation until after 1982 when the Canadian Constitution was "repatriated" from the United Kingdom and made our own after much deliberation with provinces after that important point in history.. Therefore in all actuality, Canada has only been a true official "nation" after 1982 which means that rightfully this is a nation only some 35 years of age...However, I will not take away from the celebrations of this great country celebrating its "150th" year of confederation and most Canadians do have a lot to celebrate.... BUT I must reinforce here that Canada, much like in the United States, is not actually free as many may believe, as our rights and freedoms have been eroded dramatically over the last few decades by the criminal governments in Ottawa following their Jewish masters' demands to strip Canadians of the illusion of freedom to make this nation a slowly developing police state....I for one am still proud to be a Canadian, and I truly want what is best for this nation... I want to see this nation go back to being a true peaceful nation that was the true beacon on this planet for freedom and one that other nations should emulate... It is time for Canadians to realize how truly great this nation can be and to take back our rights and freedoms from the criminal scumbags that want to see us all enslaved... I also want to see this nation stop its rapid descent into third world status by its insane want to allow migrants to flood across our borders and destroy our society.  This means that people need to wake up to the fraud of "multiculturalism" in this nation that is NOT some great melting pot as people have been led to falsely believe but is absolutely a nation destroyer.... People only need to look at the fiasco in Europe as the wake up call to make sure the same thing does not happen here...OK, Enough of the bashing... I want to raise a toast to 150 years of Canada, and I sure hope that the people here will see more years of "freedom" to come..Happy Canada Day, my friends and colleagues in this great nation..... We should all be proud and continue our efforts to wake people up everywhere to the real evils that are out to destroy this great nation and our world..More to comeNTS