Hacker group Anonymous claims Missouri police officer who killed Michael Brown will NOT be charged

Announcement coming (after school so kids dont get hurt during planned riots)

  • Hacker group cite government source when making announcement
  • A grand jury was due to make a decision on officer Darren Wilson in January
  • But Anonymous says announcement is now expected within a fortnight
  • Local police, prisons and the National Guard are on ‘high alert’
  • Five other cases involving Wilson dropped after court no-shows

London Daily Mail
The policeman who shot teenager Michael Brown dead in Ferguson, Missouri, won’t be charged over the death, hacker group Anonymous claim, citing government sources.
If true, the decision will almost certainly inflame racial tensions in the United States. The killing of the unarmed black teenager by the white police officer Darren Wilson sparked weeks of angry protests in Ferguson and has become a flashpoint across America.
Wilson hasn’t been seen in public since Brown’s August 9 killing.

Michael Brown, left, was shot dead by police officer Darren Wilson, right. Anonymous cites unnamed sources as saying Wilson will not face charges over the shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, on August 9

An autopsy leaked online last week revealed Brown had been shot six times at close range, and had cannabis in his system

Anymous, claiming it had information leaked to them by two sources, reported via Twiitter that Wilson will not be charged
The group tweeted the decision would be made public in an ‘imminent announcement.’

In subsequent tweets the group said a government source with ‘access to police information’ was the source of the information.

Authorities have made no official decision on whether Wilson will be charged and a grand jury is not set to decide until January 7, but according to Anonymous, a decision may now come within two weeks.
According to the sources speaking to Anonymous and reported by the International Business Times, ‘virtually every local police agency as well as the National Guard and all local jails are on high alert’ ahead of the announcement.
Last week, an official autopsy report into Brown’s death was leaked online and revealed Wilson shot the teenager six times at close range as he ran towards him.

The killing by a white police officer of the unarmed teenager Brown triggered a storm of protest. Anonymous reported that ‘virtually every local police agency as well as the National Guard and all local jails are on high alert’ ahead of the announcement about whether Wilson will be charged

A decision on charges was not expected until January 

Ferguson residents continue to call for arrest of officer

A toxicology report revealed that Brown was under the influence of marijuana at the time.
Meanwhile, it has been revealed that five criminal cases have been dismissed because Wilson has not shown up at court to give evidence.
Details of the dropped cases have not been released, but the latest involved Christopher A. Brooks, 28, having a charge of marijuana possession dropped.
The judge had agreed to put the case on hold after Wilson missed a late September preliminary hearing.
Wilson also didn’t appear before a grand jury in the Brooks case, an alternative that Associate Circuit Judge Mary Bruntrager Schroder signed off on at the previous hearing.
Prosecutors have said they won’t take any action against Wilson, who received a Ferguson City Council commendation in February for his role in Brooks’ arrest, over his failure to appear to give evidence.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2810141/Drug-case-dropped-Ferguson-officer-no-show.html#ixzz3HT0RdNd9
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