Guest Post By Mikel Weisser, A Progressive Running In Arizona's Back Country

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Cliven Bundy and crackpot state Senator Kelli Ward (R-AZ)Let me introduce you to a new name, a new candidate you probably never heard of, not even if you're live in the district he's running in, AZ-04, Arizona's reddest (R+20) district-- Prescott and almost everything between Phoenix and California. The Democrat taking on right-wing ideologue Paul Gosar this year is Mikel Weisser. He's not going to win in 7 days. But he is doing something the DCCC would never dream of-- building towards a future Democratic take-over of the district. Meet Mikel:

Howdy, my name is Mikel Weisser. I am the Democratic candidate for US House in Arizona's 4th Congressional District, the rugged-est, reddest, most redneck part of America’s reddest state, Arizona. I’m a native Texan, a former teen runaway, former ditch-digger, homeless vet, and junior high social studies teacher. I grew up in a small town near the border of Mexico. About 15 yrs ago I moved to AZ from Illinois por que yo hablo poquito español. I share my humble beginnings because I believe the beauty of the American Dream is that a man can remake himself and make a better world if he tries.I also believe for many, many people, this pitch is coming so late in the cycle, you think it’s a joke. “Hey, look at me way out in AZ demanding your attention, gimme all your money and your time!” Sure. I understand. But here in this last minute, I am doing exactly that, asking you to think about Arizona and my campaign. Let me tell you why.You should know, from the first, I am a tremendously outmatched underdog. The GOP literally has double the number of registered voters, a 30 yr dynasty, and lots of Bubbas who like being bullies out here… and that none of that scares me a bit. My opponent Paul Gosar (AZ-04) is a Tea Party incumbent talking head willing to wreck the whole country to score political points. [As of the October 15 FEC reporting deadline, Gosar has $164,048 cash-on-hand and Mikel had $4,119, after spending around $30,000 in the district.]He’s the kind of guy who would travel to Cliven Bundy’s ranch to do a photo op (up top)-- to hug it out with him, to show support for the Bundy agenda, conservative values agenda-- a mouthpiece, an echo chamber for every Tea Party-right wing-fundamentalist talking point that’s come through the news stream. He voted against the Affordable Care Act 54 times; voted against protection of women against domestic violence; voted against minimum wage; voted to shut down the government twice; voted to impeach Holder/censure Holder; calls for the impeachment of Obama, on and on and on and on ad naseum. Half the words in half of his speeches are “Benghazi,” the other half are “IRS.” He’s that kind of guy.I’m the kind of guy who left my careers as a teacher and slam poet/arts organizer to devote my full time efforts to changing America using the political process. I’m the kind of guy who is leading Arizona's cannabis reform movement by building the greenest possible grassroots coalition, who plays my own guitar on the protest songs at our rallies, who hand-paints his own signs and does his own lit-drop, who travels the state to promote issues like LGBT rights, the performing arts, immigration and education in a rickety old van with more than 200,000 miles on it, who is not afraid to sleep on the floor sometimes if that’s what it takes… and who has developed the faith of a network of dozens of devoted, inspired and inspiring volunteers around the state who feed me, house me, make zillions of phone calls on my behalf and are dedicated to making my campaign about making a difference, not politics as usual.I know, it sounds great, but why care about my song and dance with 434 other federal races to watch? Well, I could go on about how unusual, how bold, how intriguing and how much fun our approach is. I could tell you Wild Bunch Media’s Jennifer Smith has called my race “the most amazing human interest story in congressional politics,” but if you just click the links on this page, you can decide on that for yourself.I could tell you about the endorsements I’ve gained from PDA’s national office, DFA’s Arizona's chapter, Stonewall Democrats of Arizona, Congressman Raul Grijalva, Brave New Films, and over a dozen other Arizona legislators and leaders. And now, DWT has given me this chance as well. Here’s the secret truth of why my race is important: I’m not trying to win an election, I’m trying to change the world and it so happens in Arizona in this election cycle, my loud mouthed idealist campaign could be the final push it takes to drive several of our statewide candidates over the top. If I and the legislative candidates that I’m working with and the state party efforts come together the way we want, we can affect the outcome of some really critical state elections. Right now, 2014 cycle, Arizonans are electing their governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, the education guy, the corporation commission people. In 2012 we didn’t win any statewide races; but after two years of working all those races are competitive. In my primary two months ago, there was a shift of 23,000 votes away from the GOP towards me and there was only 85,000 votes cast. He still has the lead, but it’s closer and it’s close enough where it can start to matter for our statewide candidates-- Fred DuVal is running for Governor; and Felecia Rotellini running for Attorney General, Terry Goddard running for Secretary of State. These races are close enough so a strong rural turnout, along with what we already have going in the urban districts, can change the outcome of the statewide race.In 2006, we won the governorship in a state that’s predominantly Republican. Janet Napolitano was expected to be defeated; but the rural parties turned it around. Whether or not it’s about Mikel Weisser becoming congressman, it’s definitely about getting some progressive values in a state that’s famous for being racist and redneck and anti-progressives.So there it is-- a numbers game, a quirky chance to play a percentage and maybe upset the GOP’s whole elephant parade. If you choose to get involved, there are a lot of ways to get involved: 1st and foremost, go to my website, browse around the You Tube channel and look before you act. I may be too wild for you, seriously. If not: share, share, share, click, like, retweet-- especially with your maven friends, especially with folks in media. We are earning our media. 2) If you’ve ever volunteered on a PDA virtual phone bank or want the experience and can invest two hours, we’d love to have you. 3) If you want to give me money, use Act Blue, hundreds already have and we could really use it. In fact we need money as much, if not more, than any of those folks who’ll blitz your inbox every day and beg and plead. I didn’t come here to beg and plead, only to change the world.Don’t hesitate to contact me.THX again,mikelMikel Weisser928-234-56334490 Sundown DrSo-Hi, AZ