Google Censorship At It Again: I Have Been Given "Warnings" About The Content At This Site!

I was wondering when the Jews behind Google would eventually get around to this site and try to shut me down.....I am informing my readers that I have received several "warnings" from the criminals behind "Google" that I have been in "violation" of their "set standards" for some of the articles at this blog...They have also given me warning that if I continue with some of the material here, I will be shut down....And why am I not shocked by this?  It appears that my readership has finally been back,  and there has been a huge "upswing" in my numbers recently, and I knew eventually the criminals would want to put a stop to people either rediscovering this site or new readers coming on board.....  I want to thank those who are getting the message that I try to convey here!Yes, Censorship is definitely alive and well over at Google..... I will not divert from my message here at this blog however, and if worse does come to worse, I will be getting the hell out of "Blogger" and find another server that will support my work there....We all know by now exactly who is behind this blatant censorship that we see everywhere in the alternative media these days... These monsters do NOT want people to see themselves for the diabolical evil that they truly are and will stop at nothing to have us all shut down...Keep up the fight everyone... And please take any material you find at this blog and copy and paste it for your own sites and spread the word.... We can all do our parts in getting the word out!More to comeNTS