Ghouta: Assad Visits/ Terrorists Negotiate with UN/Deadline for Terrorist Exit has Passed

Today was really a Tale of Two Cities in Syria.

Covered Afrin earlier today-   Afrin: Freshly Evicted YPG/PKK Will Now Switch to Guerilla Warfare Tactics

Now to Ghouta:


BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian state TV said the Syrian army had given rebels in the Harasta pocket of opposition-held eastern Ghouta till 3pm local time on Sunday to withdraw, citing its own correspondent.In a month-long assault, pro-Syrian government forces have marched into much of eastern Ghouta, the last major insurgent bastion around Damascus. They have splintered it into three besieged zones, the smallest of which is the Harasta pocket


In a month-long offensive on Eastern Ghouta, pro-government forces are seeking to liberate the last major terrorist stronghold, squeezing insurgents and opening humanitarian corridors in order to guarantee the safety of civilians.

Bashar Assad Visited Troops in Ghouta as Terrorists Negotiated Their Exit with the UN

Syrian President Bashar Assad visited troops Sunday on the front line in the newly captured areas of eastern Ghouta, near the capital Damascus, hailing their recent advances as a part of a larger battle against global terrorism.Standing in a neighbourhood street, Assad congratulated his troops during the visit broadcast on state-run Al-Ikhbariya TV. “We are proud of you,” he said.He told the soldiers that they are not only fighting for the region but also to rid the world of terrorism.“With every bullet you fire at a terrorist, you change the balance in the world,” Assad said. 

Assad stood near a tank and was surrounded by soldiers on a street in eastern Ghouta, the region near Damascus where a government offensive has been underway over the past month. The soldiers cheered and pumped fists in the air. Assad, who wore a suit with no tie, flashed smiles and stopped for chats with soldiers. Some Soldiers posed with him, taking selfies. It was not clear where in eastern Ghouta Assad was.

Assad visiting Troops in Ghouta

Assad then climbed on top of a tank and looked around, before stepping down, also surrounded by soldiers. He told them the residents of the capital, who have come under repeated fire and shelling from the rebel-held areas, appreciate the soldiers’ advances.

UN Negotiating With Terrorists to Allow Medical Aid and Evacuation

Figures close to the two main rebel groups – Failaq al-Rahman in the south and Jaish al-Islam in the north – said discussions were under way for the transfer of Failaq al-Rahman and Jaish al-Islam fighters to opposition held areas in northern and southern Syria respectively.

Earliest reports seem to be suggesting that heavy fighting is ongoing in Ghouta presently. However the reports are only coming from SOHR and need to be validated.

From earlier

Update: Putin Leading Presidential Election, Wins According to Polls

And yesterday:

10 Years After- An Anniversary. A Milestone