Ghost of Sunday Classics preview: We said it wasn't over till we heard Bruckner 9

by KenIt's going to be pretty much a quick in and out tonight -- an actual, you know, preview. Sunday, as you may have guessed, we finally tackle the Bruckner Ninth Symphony. I still haven't decided whether we're going to do the whole thing in one fell swoop, which is going to make for an extremely large and unwieldy post, because there are any number of issues that come up, or we're going to work our way through the piece in pieces. Either way, here's a preview of what we're going to hear.IN A NUTSHELL -- THE BRUCKNERNINTH IN UNDER 2½ MINUTESBRUCKNER: Symphony No. 9 in D minorexcerpt from i. Feierlich, misterioso (Solemn, mysterious)excerpt from ii. Scherzo: Bewegt, lebhaft (Animated, lively)excerpt from iii. Adagio: Langsam, feierlich (Slow, solemn)Bavarian State Orchestra, Wolfgang Sawallisch, cond. Orfeo, recorded Dec. 23, 1984YOU WANT MORE? OKAY,  HERE'S A LITTLE MOREBRUCKNER: Symphony No. 9 in C minor:i. Feierlich, misterioso (Solemn, mysterious) -- opening[A][B] We have here two very different (but significantly related) performances of the opening minutes of the Bruckner Ninth. Any thoughts? We'll talk about them tomorrow.IN TOMORROW'S GHOST OF SUNDAY CLASSICS POST --In case you haven't guessed, we attack Bruckner 9 -- before it can attack us.#