Georgian Troops Trained For NATO Strike Force, War Games

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
April 9, 2015
I Light Infantry Brigade Training

“Alfa” Company of the 12th Battalion of I Light Infantry Brigade of the Georgian Armed Forces is going through a month-long field-based training. The North Atlantic Alliance representatives will evaluate the combat readiness of the military unit due to engage in the NATO Response Force.
During the field exercise, 116 servicemen of “Alfa” Company will be trained according to a combined arms tactic. The basic part of the preparation will be devoted to practical exercises. The soldiers will practice in search and cordon, patrolling, attack and defensive operations. They will undergo staff, engineer and medical preparations as well.
The training course launched on 1 April and will last till the end of the month. After completing the field-based preparations, the military unit will take part in the Joint US-Georgian Exercise “Noble Partner 2015”. A month-long training ongoing in field conditions includes preparing the military for this upcoming combined exercise too.
From August 2013 up to date, “Alfa” Company underwent pre-deployment training both in Georgia and Germany. The preparation of the military unit in Hohenfels went on within the NATO Operative Capabilities Concept. The level of combat preparation of the Georgian contingent was evaluated in the US Joint Multinational Readiness Centre (JMRC).
