G20: Brazil to focus on climate, sustainable development

There are expectations that Temer will ratify the Paris Accords this September [Xinhua]
Following in tandem with fellow member China and the United States, Brazil says it will concentrate on climate change and sustainable development during the two-day G20 summit in Hangzhou.
In a video press release made available to the media, Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs Jose Serra said that fighting the effects if carbon emissions and global warming was a priority for the Latin American nation.
“We are a country doing very well environmentally, compared with the rest of the world. We will put great emphasis on sustainable development, to determine the right practices and the right policies,” said Serra.
President Michel Temer had earlier said that he expected to ratify the Paris Climate Agreement, much like China and the US earlier Saturday.
On August 11, the Brazilian Senate approved the climate accord, easing ratification by the executive branch.
Brazil is also expected to begin implementing the accord as soon as next year.
At the UN General Assembly last year, former President Dilma Rousseff said: “The contribution of Brazil will be a reduction of 37 per cent of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. Our ambition is to reach a reduction of 43 per cent by 2030. The base year in both cases is 2005.”
The BRICS Post with inputs from Agencies