The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Continues: Alarming Report Shows Japan Has LOST The Fukushima Battle, And Meltdowns Are OUT OF CONTROL!

It indeed has been a while since I last reported on the STILL ongoing disaster at Fukushima Japan, where at least 3 of the 4 major nuclear reactors that went into meltdown (Thanks to the Israeli Stuxnet virus that ruined the reactors' safety systems) back in March 2011 are still spewing their toxic radioactive nucleotides into the Japanese countryside and worse; directly into the Pacific Ocean.... It is so shocking that the Jew spew media continues to NOT even talk about this still ongoing disaster for the entire planet, and to me that again shows them to be the 'fake news' that everyone is being now told about!I came across the following very startling video, where Dana Durnford, who writes the website, the "Nuclear Proctologist" at, presents some updated information about the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima Japan and shows with glaring facts that Japan has in fact lost the battle for Fukushima and that the meltdowns are (still) out of control... Here is that video, and my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: WHY am I not surprised by these findings?   I have been stating for years now that this disaster is absolutely NOT under any type of control as the liars in our governments and the fake news Jew spew media continue to try to sell to the gullible public...Lets face the facts here... Tokyo Electric Corporation (TEPCO) has never had any inkling on how to fix the problem with Fukushima simply because there is NO technology in place anywhere in the world that can presently even attempt a fix due to the massive radiation still spewing out of the melted down and exposed reactors.... The only thing that TEPCO has been able to do and continues to do is to relentlessly pour water on top of the exposed reactor chambers and allow the residue radioactive water to go directly into the Pacific Ocean..... There never has been any type of "containment" or "storage" of that residue because it is impossible to store the thousands of tons of radioactive water that is created as residue on an daily basis....This is why the Pacific Ocean, especially the area north of the equator, is now rife with radioactive nucleotides and other radioactive particles... That radioactive waste is now definitely being detected on the west coast of the United States and Canada, and the fish and other wildlife in the north Pacific is hopelessly destroyed or rendered unsuited for human consumption...However, we continue to see the Jew spew media and our criminal governments continue their lies that this disaster is somehow "under control" and we should have "nothing to worry about"... These are indeed outright lies that are being propagated to prevent everyone from facing the reality of this situation....As I have always said... I blame the liars in the fake news Jew spew media for refusing to report anywhere near the truth about this situation... And that is again due to them wanting to brainwash everyone with their lies and their want to sell the public on more wars for their cherished and diabolical state of Israel... So while everyone is looking elsewhere as a result, the planet is dying thanks to this horrific disaster....To me, this situation may be dire, but it could be fixed if our governments stopped the lies and actually put their combined efforts into fixing this problem.... We have yet to see this happening, and until people force the issue and demand attention be faced first and foremost to fixing this disaster, it will continue unabated....More to comeNTS