The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Almost 6 Years Now, And Still Going Strong - AND Apparently Going From Bad To Worse!

With March approaching, we will be seeing the 6th year anniversary, on March11th, of when the Israeli Stuxnet virus did its dirty work at the Fukushima Daicchi nuclear facility at Fukushima Japan and caused the meltdown of up to 3 of that facilities nuclear reactors....Well, almost 6 years have now passed since that fateful day in March, and everyone must be fully aware that the disaster is STILL ongoing, and in spite of the constant LIES from the Jew spew media outlets, the disaster is still out of control with no solution anywhere in sight... Tokyo Electric Corporation (TEPCO for short..) is still unable to get anyone anywhere close to the melted down reactors due to the extremely intense radiation pouring out from the melted cores...TEPCO's only "solution" to this date for keeping the exposed reactors "cool" and thus hopefully prevent a further meltdown is to constantly and still continue to pour water over the exposed cores and allow the resultant radioactive waste water pour directly into the Pacific Ocean. (Yes all the reports about the waste water being stored is pure bullshit!).... That has resulted in the devastation to the north Pacific Ocean and the collapse of the food chain in the north Pacific itself.... AND, that radioactive waste water has been pushed by the Pacific currents to the shores of North America, resulting in dead or radioactive fish being caught along our Pacific shores!  It is indeed a world wide disaster...But now comes some very alarming news from Fukushima itself, where apparently one or two of the massive reactor facilities is now in danger of collapsing, which could result in such an enormous output of deadly radiation that could in fact spell the end for Japan itself!  First, here is the link to the Energy News website, at, that shows clearly that a large section under one of the melted reactor cores is now "unstable" and is indeed about to collapse!  I have further thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: Lets get the facts straight here...The LIARS in our governments and the compliant Jew spew media have purposely avoided any reports about the still ongoing disaster at Fukushima simply to mislead the public and to create the false image that 'all is well', and "nothing to see here", when in fact this disaster is not only still going strong but from this Energy News report could indeed become much much worse very soon...OK, here is the worse case scenario... If that structure does collapse, then the core will indeed become fully exposed and pour out unimaginable radiation and radioactive nucleotides into the Japanese countryside... It will result in unimaginable devastation and could indeed force the evacuation of MILLIONS of people..... AND if it was the worse case scenario, it could indeed doom not only those living on the east coast of Japan, but could devastate all of Japan itself.... Yes, this is the worse case scenario...Our hope rests on TEPCO coming up with a temporary solution to this impending structural collapse... BUT again, it must be noted that nobody has been able to get anywhere close to this reactor due to the intense radiation that would kill any human being almost instantly... Even robotic probes have failed getting anywhere close to these cores due to the fact that the radiation has also destroyed their circuitry...I have been reporting on this disaster for almost 6 years now, and to this day I have found NOTHING that points to anyone having a solution to this still ongoing problem....  The fact is that a woeful amount of attention from our governments has been spent on solving this problem, while their primary focus has constantly been on wars in the Middle East for Israel and of course the phoney "War on Terror"..... I do wonder what it will take before anyone pays attention to this calamity?More to comeNTS