FOX News Anchor Shepard Smith Finally ‘Comes Out,’ Admits He’s Gay

21st Century Wire says…
For many viewers, this came as no surprise, but for many FOX conservative loyalists, this latest news would have come as a shock.
FOX News host Shepard Smith joins other high-profile gay cable news anchors like CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon.
A number of high-profile media critics including top-rated talk radio host MichaeI Savage, have recently raised the alarm that FOX News is undergoing a liberal facelift following the departure of its news head Roger Ailes over a number sexual harassment cases.
Political in-fighting has also broken out at FOX in recent weeks, with two leading hosts, Sean Hannity and Megyn Kelly trading insults over which presidential candidate they support. Kelly File host, Megyn Kelly, has broken ranks and is leading her own “never Trump” enclave within FOX, and appears to have thrown her support behind Hillary Clinton in the hotly contested 2016 race.
Is FOX News shifting gears and entering a brave new era of ‘liberal openness’?

FOX & FRIENDS: Shepard Smith and former news boss Roger Ailes.
Joe Concha
The Hill

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith revealed he’s gay in an interview with the Huffington Post in which he also defends former Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes‘s treatment of him at the network.
Smith, who has rarely talked about his sexuality during his 20 years with Fox News, refuted claims that Ailes urged him not to come out about his sexual orientation publicly.
“[Ailes] was as nice as he could be to me. I loved him like a father,” says Smith, 52.
“I trusted him with my career and with ― I trusted him and trusts were betrayed. People outside this company can’t know [how painful that betrayal was]. This place has its enemies, but inside, it was very personal, and very scarring and horrifying.”
Smith also said Ailes — who resigned amid sexual harassment claims against him by former host Gretchen Carlson in July —  “never” made homophobic comments in his presence…
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