Feminists Under Attack from the New Victim Group–Tiny Minority Controls Who Speaks

Feminists Under Attack from the New Victim Group
From Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground
In Britain, it’s like The Handmaid’s Tale 2.0, as these three furors demonstrate:
 Selina Todd, feminist historian at Oxford, was going to give a talk marking the 50th anniversary of Ruskin College’s inaugural Women’s Liberation Conference, but had to cancel it, because trans activists accused her of “transphobia.” (Prior to this, threats from trans activists impelled the university to provide Prof. Todd with bodyguards:
As evidence of her “transphobia,” here’s the talk that she was going to give.
Eva Poen, economics lecturer at Exeter University, has been reviled by students as “transphobic,” for tweeting that “only females menstruate.”
 For her public defense of Maya Forstater, a researcher who lost her job for claiming that there are only two biological sexes, J.K. Rowling has been so violently threatened by trans activists (and also Scottish nationalists, as she opposes the campaign for independence), that she’s had to install security gates at her Perthshire home. Rowling’s “hateful” tweet:
“Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real?” Rowling tweeted, adding the hashtags #IStandWithMaya and #ThisIsNotaDrill to her missive.
Such bullying expresses a misogynistic animus that’s rampant not just in the UK, but (of course) over here as well, as “our free press”—e.g., Vox, the Los Angeles Times—has parroted the line that Forstater and Rowling are “transphobic.”
Some day this madness will have passed, and everyone will wonder how—and why—it spread, as we do with the Red Scares in America, the triumph of Nazism, Lysenkoism under Stalin (and, most relevantly, eugenics). 
Mark Crispin Miller
Oxford professor Selina Todd feminist talk cancelled
By Gergana Krasteva
Exeter University lecturer branded transphobic by students
March 6, 2020
JK Rowling installs security gates at Perthshire home after disputes
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