Faustian Dreams

Originally posted on The Soul of the East:
In its spiritual life, the human soul is confronted with two options, to seek the realization and actualization of its divine nature, or to be overwhelmed and rendered inert by the lower, transient things of the world. The 4th century Greek theologian St. Gregory of Nyssa once observed,

For those who look towards the true God receive within themselves the characteristics of the divine nature; so too, those who turn their minds to the vanity of idols are transformed into the objects which they look at, and become stones instead of men.

Saint Gregory never received the chance to witness the idols of modernity, which have far surpassed the the old stone and marble images of classical antiquity in their destructive transformational effects on the human spirit. Instead modern man has seized upon often-violent revolutionary ideologies and the sanctification of technology as the new idols he erected in the temple of his…
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