Fake News Alert: Donald Trump has NOT created Loyalty Day

Donald Trump has issued a statement encouraging American’s to celebrate Loyalty Day on the 1st of May. Globally and particularly in countries with strong socialist movements or Communist pasts, the day is best known as International Workers Day, May Day or Labour Day.
In contemporary Russia, the day is known as The Day of Spring and Labour.
In the United States, the First of May is Loyalty Day and was first officially proclaimed by Congress in 1955, although its roots date back to the 1920s.
Both mainstream media outlets and alt-media outlets have lambasted Trump for proclaiming a new American holiday.
This is fake news. The holiday has officially existed at a Federal Level for decades, however few American’s celebrate it and the few that do often conflate it with celebrations of International Workers Day or ancient pagan rites.
Trump encouraged Americans to honour,

“The loyalty of our citizenry sends a clear signal to our allies and enemies that the United States will never yield from our way of life. Through the Department of Defense and other national security agencies, we are working to destroy ISIS, and to secure for all Americans the liberty terrorists seek to extinguish”.

The statement also said,

“We humbly thank our brave service members and veterans who have worn our nation’s uniform… Their unwavering loyalty and fidelity has made the world a safer, more free, and more just place”.

@POTUS proclaims May 1 as "Loyalty Day." pic.twitter.com/9W9D7myesJ
— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) April 28, 2017

Some of the reactions on social media have been rather hysterical.

This is the kind of thing tin pot dictators do. #MayDay2017 #VetsAgainstTrump https://t.co/qNlV9U0x0b
— Vets Against Trump (@Vets_Vs_Trump) April 29, 2017

@FoxNews This is the creepiest thing Trump has done. https://t.co/SuN4HiOuon
— Michael Salfino (@MichaelSalfino) April 29, 2017

And of course, the Twitter melt-down among those who do not know their own country’s history wouldn’t be compete without a bit of Russophobia.

@FoxNews Gee, sounds like something Russia & North Korea do.
— Shelby (@shelbeeray) April 29, 2017

Loyalty Day has nothing to do with Donald Trump, he merely mentioned something that has existed since President Eisenhower’s first term.
Case closed.
The post Fake News Alert: Donald Trump has NOT created Loyalty Day appeared first on The Duran.
