The EyeOpener Report- How to Boycott Big Tech

There are people who are still hoping that some Congressional committee or some brave Senator or some court case will somehow put an end to the total surveillance madness that has been carefully built into the very source code of the software and operating systems and internet services which billions around the world continue to use. This not only overlooks the fact that the entire program was overseen from its very inception by these same legislators and courts. It also ignores the testimony of Russ Tice that all of the key committee members and members of the judiciary have been wiretapped by the NSA for at least a decade, meaning that any efforts to stop this system from those corners is likely to be immediately identified and quashed with bribery, blackmail or threats.
While this seems to be an intractable situation, there is a missing piece of this puzzle that few have yet explored: us. The corporations have forced no one to purchase their booby-trapped, NSA backdoor spy-laden software or operating systems. People have purchased it of their own free will, whether out of ignorance, or inertia, or an unwillingness to seek out alternatives. But alternatives to many of the Big Tech products do exist, and making use of them is much easier than many believe.
Find out more about this topic and boycott as a viable solution in this week’s EyeOpener Report with James Corbett.
Watch the Preview Clip Here:

Watch the Full Video Report Here (Subscribers Only):


*The Transcript for this video is available at Corbett Report: Click Here

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