Exposing Donald Drumpf: Trump A J-Tool? Of Course! Articles From Buelahman And Katana

One great real truth seeker that I have linked to on many occasions, and has put forward many great comments at this site is of course Buelahman, who writes "Buelahman's Revolt" at www.buelahman.wordpress.com.... I have always been reading his fine work and I have long respected his honest opinion through his comments at this site... And yes even though we usually agree on so many topics, we do periodically disagree as well....Buelahman has indeed made his opinions about the ridiculous political circus in the United States known, and he has indeed stated his opinion many times over the last while about my articles about that charade.... He indeed does agree with me that BOTH of the candidates running in this fraud "election" campaign, both Killary Clinton and Donald Drumpf are bad news for America.... He has also stated in comments that the only option left for Americans is to NOT vote at all...I do agree with Buelahman on the principle that electing either of the two clowns running for the Presidency will be bad news for America as a whole... Killary Clinton is absolutely an insane psychopathic monster who if "elected" would indeed lead America down the road to its demise... Drumpf of course is a con artist and a swindler who made his fortune off the back of so many hard working Americans and is indeed as big a Jew butt kisser as Killary is.... Therefore again I must make it clear that either of these "candidates" is indeed bad news for America....But sadly I have to constantly state the obvious.. With a dismal "two party only" system in place, there is no REAL choice for Americans to make, and sadly Americans will indeed be voting for either of these two clowns, and again sadly one of them will indeed be "selected" as the next US President... Therefore as I have always stated in previous articles, it becomes a horrid choice between a raving murderous lunatic, and a con man and a "shyster".... And again very sadly for the American republic it does come down to Americans stuck having to choose between these two demons....Knowing the intense criminality of the Clintons, the Clinton crime family, the Clinton "foundation" as well as the long list of murders (some say in the thousands) caused by these evil monsters, the choice has to go with the "lesser of two evils" Jew butt kissing Drumpf IMHO.... Yes, to choose between the "lesser of two evils" still means the candidate selected is indeed evil, but again what other choice is there?Again, Buelahman has stated to me many times in comments that the real choice is NOT to vote at all... Yes, that is indeed an option, but to not vote does not change the way the President is selected, for only the votes cast for the candidates on the ballots count towards the selection of who is to become President (not including the vote fixing that will definitely take place this election).....Therefore until the process and the corrupt election process is changed, Americans are helpless and ONLY one of these two "candidates" will be sworn into office come next January.....Again, with Killary being such a demonic freak of nature, what other choice do Americans really have?Right now, I want to present a link to Buelahman's newest article, entitled: "Is Trump A J-Tool? Of Course" right here for everyone to see for themselves... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:https://buelahman.wordpress.com/2016/10/21/is-trump-a-j-tool-of-course/NTS Notes:  Honestly, what else would anyone expect from Drumpf?  Of course he is a tool for the Jews and come this November, no matter whether Americans vote for him or Killary, the Jews win again!I am not disagreeing with Buelahman at all in his assertions.... I honestly would have long wanted to see the American political process changed decades ago to allow the American people to REJECT both candidates and to actually have a third option available... But of course the criminals in charge of the United States government do NOT want the political process changed, as their masters, the Jewish power elite that actually run the show do not want their power over all of America stripped from them.....And here is the link to that Katana article from her website at www.katana17.wordpress.com that shows how Drumpf is indeed a Jew butt kisser.... Here is that link:https://katana17.wordpress.com/2016/10/20/trump-as-j-tool/Again let I remind everyone that I am in NO way a supporter of Donald Drumpf... I look at him as a buffoon, a criminal,  and a con artist... He is absolutely not the right person to be leading America...However and this is something that everyone must realize, Killary Clinton is indeed pure evil and would have America into a global thermonuclear war in no time flat as President... That aspect of Clinton as a psycho is why given only these two candidates, sadly the American people are stuck with Drumpf.... And as Katana, Buelahman, and myself have pointed out, the Jews absolutely do win again!More to comeNTS