Exposing Donald Drumpf: Report Says Drumpf Expects Putin To "Return" Crimea To Ukraine (So Much For The Crimean People Deciding Their Future Through A Legal Referendum!)

I have indeed been watching the missteps by the Drumpf adminstration over the last while, and I too am deeply troubled by what is happening in Washington DC these days... Just the other day, the National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, resigned under some very strange circumstances.... The Jew spew media has been all over that resignation and has claimed that it is a signal that Drumpf's administration is "coming apart", but I suspect something very different is happening.....But there are other issues that I found astounding, and I will indeed cover one of them right here in this article...People so quickly forget how the criminal US government fomented the "Maidan revolution" in Ukraine back in March 2014 that caused the elected government to be overthrown and replaced with a US led puppet regime... That regime has done horrendous damage to Ukraine, and has turned the entire nation into an economic basket case... The Ukrainian people have suffered now for almost 3 full years from that disaster and there is still no recovery anywhere in sight...And of course we have the Crimean peninsula, which people also so quickly forget their history that BEFORE 1954, was part of the Russian empire and the Russian part of the Soviet Union... In 1954, then Russian Premiere, Nikita Khrushchev, handed the Crimean peninsula over to the then Ukrainian SSR for them to administer.. At the time of that handover, NOBODY thought the Soviet Union would ever fall apart... But it did in 1991, and at that time the future of the Crimean peninsula and its people became an open issue...In 1991, the people of Crimea did agree to stay with Ukraine through a referendum with the full understanding that at some time in the future they could vote for autonomy, or for them to decide if they wanted to be returned to the Russian Federation.... That agreement was always in place and is both logical and legal...However, after the 2014 uprising in Kiev that turned Ukraine into a basket case, the people.of Crimea saw that they had NO future with Ukraine proper and decided to hold a LEGAL AND BINDING REFERENDUM to decide their future....They voted in open elections that were fully monitored by the United Nations and many other nations, and the results were devastating for Ukraine.. The referendum vote was an overwhelmingly 97.5% for Crimea to secede from Ukraine and to seek unity with the Russian Federation!Now according to every international law of the rights of citizens of any nation to decide their futures through proper referendums that are monitored, administered, and certified by international observers, the people of Crimea had spoken and they indeed decided democratically and legally to breakaway from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.....This is all in accordance with international law and should have been accepted by all parties including the criminal US government....However, we have to this day, the liars in the Jew spew media out there claiming that Russia somehow "ANNEXED" Crimea, and these same liars have never ever told the truth about the Crimean referendum or its results!  This again shows that the Jew spew media is indeed the fake news and how they are using bullshit propaganda and lies to use Crimea as their weapon of choice in the public eye to vilify Russia....Now that all that has been cleared up and the truths about Crimea told, lets look at what has just happened that I find truly astounding... For according to the following report from Tyler Durden, through the Zero Hedge website, at www.zerohedge.com, apparently the Drumpf administration has now come forward just yesterday claiming that Donald Drumpf himself "expects" Vladimir Putin to "Return Crimea" to Ukraine!  First here is the link to that report for all to see for themselves here, and my own thoughts and comments to follow:http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-02-14/trump-expects-putin-return-crimea-ukraineNTS Notes:  When I saw this report, I did a 500 MPH palm to my face... How can Donald be this ignorant of real history and the real facts about Crimea and Ukraine to make such a suggestion?Honestly, someone needs to get the reality of Crimea out to Drumpf and quickly... This push to ILLEGALLY force Russia to hand Crimea back to the criminals in Ukraine is against all international law and flies in the face of the Crimean peoples' rights to decide their own future... They made their choice back in 2014!I am indeed deeply troubled by what I am watching with Drumpf.... Apparently he is not going to clean up Washington at all and has now fallen victim to these criminal war hawks that want him not to seek peace with Russia, but to have a terrible war instead.... Indeed Drumpf needs to have a reality check about Crimea now!There are many who have long said that Drumpf is "no good" and that he is nothing but a Jew lackey and "shill".... I am now heavily leaning towards the same conclusions, and have found nothing yet to show otherwise...More to comeNTS