Exposing The Apollo Moon Landing Fraud: Excellent Post From Zerohedge Asks Some Hard Questions About The Validity Of Project Apollo

It is again time to go back to my roots.... As I have stated many times, I got my first exposure to how corrupt and evil this planet truly is, and about FAKE NEWS, when I was exposed to the reality that the manned missions to the moon, aka Project Apollo, by NASA was an absolute LIE back in my University days in 1979..... And as I stated before, I struggled for years and was constantly ridiculed and laughed at for my stance that this so called "Man's greatest achievement" was an absolute hoax and a detriment to everyone on planet Earth.... Only now with the full advent of the internet and everyone able to research the details for themselves is it now perfectly clear that NASA did indeed lie its collect asses off between 1968 and 1972 with their faked manned missions to the moon....It has been very slow though in regards to many other researchers and even those in the alternative media to grasp the truth about Project Apollo.....AND I was alerted just the other day to a most important article from the Zero Hedge website, at www.zerohedge.com, that asks some very important mathematical questions about Project Apollo that absolutely should have more people opening their eyes to the truth about that massive fraud....The article comes from the writer who calls himself the "Hedgeless_Horseman" and is entitled: "I Like Velcro And Used To Drink Tang, But About The Moon, Was NASA Really Full Of Horseshit?" and is a must read by everyone, especially those who are still not convinced of the reality that mankind never went to the moon... I have the link to that article here, and my own thoughts and comments to follow:http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-03-03/i-velcro-and-used-drink-tang-was-nasa-really-full-horseshitNTS Notes:  OK, I have long been researching the entire validity of the so called "Saturn 5" rocket as the vehicle for transporting that ridiculous contraption known as the "LEM" to the moon... In many previous articles at this blog, I have shown clearly that the so called "LEM" was much too small, too ridiculous in its entire design, and was absolutely NOT suitable at all for the so called lunar landings.... Basically it cost the US taxpayers some 7+ BILLION dollars in 1960's money for Grumman to develop and build that ridiculous contraption and I firmly believe that Grumman absolutely made out like bandits and provided a piece of junk that would never work as we have been falsely led to believe...Yes, the Zerohedge article does focus so much on the fuel requirements for the Saturn 5 and its cargo to get to the moon and back... But, as I have previously stated, the Saturn 5 rocket was never built to work as it has always been claimed... .I have researched before some amazing facts about the Saturn 5 and its F1 engines that have been claimed to be able to generate "1.5 million pounds of thrust" each.... And I found these claims to be outlandish and impossible due to the simple fact that these rockets could never reach that reported thrust due to a serious problem that all rockets have called the "pogo stick" effect that causes such massive vibration in the engine cowling and housings that they would tend to explode!   Evidence has come forward over the years that these rockets were NEVER powered up to the "7.5 million pounds of thrust" for the 5x F1 engines on the Saturn 5, but were underpowered and the entire Saturn 5 could barely achieve low earth orbit at best!  Here is an article from the Aulis website, at www.aulis.com, that explains the problems of the F1 engines on the Saturn 5 rocket in detail here:http://www.aulis.com/saturn_v_evaluation.htmThe evidence that the Saturn 5 was barely able to achieve low earth orbit can be found here in this Aulis article from www.aulis.com that shows evidence that the velocity of the Saturn 5 rocket that was said out loud during launches and stated in "official" NASA records is again nothing but hogwash... The reality is that these craft were seriously underpowered and could NEVER have had the velocity to break out of Earth orbit.... Here is the link to that article here:http://www.aulis.com/saturn_v.htmThe facts are simple here... The Apollo missions to the moon were indeed one of the greatest frauds and hoaxes in all history.... The facts are that NASA spent some 40+ BILLION in 1960's US dollars to basically LIE their asses off to the American people and the entire world.... Sadly, there are still millions of suckers out there that cannot fathom the idea that this was a massive fraud due to the intense brainwashing and propaganda that they have been exposed to for decades.....We have come a long way over the last few decades with more people waking up to the reality that our entire history is full of lies and bullshit..... I can indeed hold my own head up high knowing that for 37+ years I have known the reality of these fraud Moon missions and have never swayed from the truth....And again, about these "flat earth" numb skulls that are out there "poisoning the well" in regards to exposing the lies of NASA and their faked Moon (and Mars) missions... People that use common sense and logic can see the game you are playing and that you are indeed trying to discredit the rest of us.... We are not fooled, and again I have no time for your ridiculous games.... You know where you can stick your "flat earth" silliness!More to comeNTS*Update January 24th, 2017:  Several of the flat earth idiots have already tried to put up comments here.. I rejected them of course... One of them has even tried to call me a "Jew".... It is to laugh and shows how ludicrous these agents truly are!