Exposed, the multi-billion-dollar illusion of ‘HIV’: Part 1-7


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"THIS series has summarised a detailed, scientifically argued case that ‘HIV’, the purported viral cause of Aids, is a modern myth. Contrary to numerous assertions, ‘HIV’ has never been proven to exist through standard microbiological techniques. Yet huge amounts of taxpayer cash have been commandeered by the HIV/Aids industry for research and treatment, with more than 250 failed ‘HIV’ vaccine trials and an endless search for a cure.
Failures that led to the construction and maintenance of the HIV/Aids theory, and suppression of contrary evidence, are being repeated now with Covid. Worse will be to come while such high-level mistakes remain unacknowledged and uncorrected by the scientific and medical communities."
Exposed, the multi-billion-dollar illusion of ‘HIV’: Part 1
Exposed, the multi-billion-dollar illusion of ‘HIV’: Part 2
Exposed, the multi-billion-dollar illusion of ‘HIV’: Part 3
Exposed, the multi-billion-dollar illusion of ‘HIV’: Part 4
Exposed, the multi-billion-dollar illusion of ‘HIV’: Part 5
Exposed, the multi-billion-dollar illusion of ‘HIV’: Part 6
Exposed, the multi-billion-dollar illusion of ‘HIV’: Part 7
"The Covid and ‘HIV’ tragedies are both examples of how reason can fly out of the window on a mass scale. In their 2021 book Covid-19 and the Global Predators – We Are the Prey, Peter and Ginger Breggin maintain that ‘loose coalitions of money and influence’ pursuing a globalist agenda were able to exploit widespread fears for the future, causing many to believe in the need for lockdowns and mass vaccinations despite the immediately evident and enormous harm caused. With the ‘HIV’ hypothesis, factors leading to its instant acceptance included a generalised fear that the sexual revolution of the sixties and seventies had gone too far, alongside a genuine sympathy with the early gay victims of Aids.    
With great prescience, Jung wrote: ‘It is becoming ever more obvious that it is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer but man himself who is man’s greatest danger to man, for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes.’