Excellent Video From Snordster: Clinton -Treason From Within

I honestly have not wanted to take sides in this "Killary" versus "Drumpf" battle that is going on just south of here in the United States... But I cannot overlook the severe criminality of the entire Clinton "crime family" and their heinous crimes against humanity.... I honestly cannot understand how ANYONE with even one brain cell in their heads would ever think about voting next month for that insane psychopathic demonic bitch called Hillary "Killary" Clinton..... Honestly, are the American fools that actually vote for such a murderous demon that stupid?OK, it has been a while.. But one great video producer with one heck of a great voice, "Snordster" is back... And his latest video absolutely calls Killary Clinton exactly what she is... A traitor to the American nation!  Here is Snordster's video, entitled: "Clinton: Treason From Within" for everyone to see for themselves... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  Yes, the great ancient oracle, Cicero, stated it right when he said that a nation's greatest enemies are NOT the "barbarians at the gate" and trying to destroy the nation from the outside, but the criminals and scoundrels, aka traitors, that are already in the nation and eroding it from within... That is exactly what Killary Clinton is, and again sadly I am puzzled that so many Americans cannot see the reality of that demon and what she will do to America if people are stupid enough to make her the next American President...Lets face the reality here... Donald Drumpf is no saint as well... He is absolutely controlled by Jewish interests and he has indeed pandered only to the Jewish elite that are still wanting to see America's ultimate destruction... HOWEVER, I will state it again that the American political system is a complete sham with only TWO choices this November for the American people to choose from (the alternative being NOT to vote), and since it horrendously becomes a choice between a murderous psychotic freak of nature that will have the US in a third and horrific world war that would see the American nation destroyed. and on the other side Donald Drumpf, there is absolutely NO choice for America's very survival other than to take the risk with Donald as President.... This is indeed a sad statement to make, and again shows how the American republic is a failure.....I can guarantee that over the next while we will continue to see the Jew spew media in America continue to lie and cheat the American people with their fraud "polls" showing the traitor Clinton somehow "ahead" of Donald, hoping for on election day, and after the criminals have the election "stolen" once again, the American people may actually accept her as their President... I again do hope the American people are ready for this, and will do the right thing to save their republic from destruction...More to comeNTS