Even If We Ban GMOs, Can GMO Contamination Ever Be Stopped?

There is one pivotal point missing from many GMO debates which I feel compelled to bring up. Whether studies somehow determine that GMOs were safe all along, even with mountains of evidence (both scientific and anecdotal) pointing to the great danger of this technology, there is one BIG problem with GMOs.
That BIG problem is that you can’t recall genetically modified corn or soy, apples or papayas, trees or other GM crops – and once they are unleashed, there is no turning back.
It isn’t as if a part in your car, a baby car seat, or one of the million consumer products that we Americans normally purchase, and therefore are complicit in helping to promote, will mutate into other organisms that can poison entire ecosystems. Goods are recalled all the time. The company apologizes, sends you a refund or a credit for their next gadget, or consumer good, and you go on your merry way.
You can’t recall GMOs. Once they are in the biosphere, they are doing what biotech companies like Monsanto likely realized from the outset. Genetically altered crops are cross-pollinating non-genetically modified crops, turning everything into a patentable, and arguably highly toxic ‘commodity,’ which can then be used for various purposes. Indeed, various reports have shown that GMO crop contamination cannot be stopped.
You can live without polarized sunglasses. You can live without a self-cleaning oven. You can live without hula girl bar glasses, and a million other recently recalled products. But can we truly live without life-sustaining food?
Cross-pollination is a huge problem. The commingling of non-GM and GM crops is unstoppable, no matter how high-falutin’ we think our science is compared to Mother Nature. Seed purity, and therefore food sustainability is threatened by the very existence of GMOs.
As Purdue so simply puts it:

“GMO “contamination” of non-GMO grain can occur in corn by virtue of either cross-pollination between adjacent fields of GMO and non-GMO hybrids or by commingling (a fancy term for “mixing”) of seed. The latter can occur at planting time as farmers switch from planting one hybrid to another via seed carryover in the planter. Commingling can also occur during or after harvest time via grain mixing in the combine, trucks and wagons, drying facility or the storage facility.”

The bombastic claims by biotech that GMOs are safe, are false. Avoidance is a must if for no other reason than they cannot be contained!
You can bet Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, and their paid ‘scientists’ (shills) had to realize they couldn’t contain pollen drift when they were planning on planting these modified crops.

  • Organic farmers like Phil McGrath have had their livelihoods directly impacted by cross-contamination from GMO farms nearby.

In an attempt to quell crop-poisoning with cross-pollination concerns, biotech touted the findings of scientist Sherif Sherif, who purportedly found a gene that could inhibit cross-pollination. The findings were published in the journal BMC biology, but it requires inserting the gene into biotech’s plants – more biotechnology!
Would this gene really prevent unwanted pollen from spreading – how would this work exactly since pollen doesn’t conspire with the wind and only blow where there are crops that shouldn’t be spoiled with GM? Would perfectly acceptable plants and their pollen be inhibited from spreading as well, thereby causing the same reproductive failure in plants we are now seeing in farm animals and humans? If this gene was let loose in the bioshpere (and who says it hasn’t already) which plants would stop pollinating, while others thrived?
Again, scientists likely don’t even know, but to heck with it all. Just insert the gene, plant it, and see what happens! It’s all a big experiment, and the general population is expected to take it like a slap on the wrist.
Since we don’t really know what will happen with GM crops – and we can’t take them back once they intermingle with non-GM crops – how are they safe? They simply are not safe, and no amount of ‘science’ can explain that away.