Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 138

The Institutions of Global Governance
This episode attempts to provide a brief overview of some of the key institutions of global financial governance, specifically (though not exclusively) as it relates to Europe's debt crisis. Included in the discussion is not simply the names of the institutions, but their roles, their leadership and internal governance structures, meetings and interactions. Among these many institutions are the European Central Bank, Bank for International Settlements, IMF, the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC), the Group of 20, European Commission, OECD, European Council, the Troika, Eurogroup, Institute of International Finance, Group of 30, World Economic Forum, International Monetary Conference (IMC), Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, among others. This is a world of financial diplomacy through 'dark secret meetings' in off-the-record discussions and behind the scenes maneuvering. This is the world of Global Financial Governance.
Listen to the full episode here: