Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 110

Japan: Back to Empire?

Japan has had quite a unique relationship with the United States, which helped spark the development of the Japanese empire in the 19th century, and the two large economic powers became major trading partners. Japan left a legacy of destruction and violence across much of Asia, creating fears and memories which scar the present. Yet, since World War II ended, the United States has acted as imperial patron to a resurgent Japanese economic power. From the late 1970s until present day, the United States has exerted consistent pressure upon Japan to once again slowly rearm and build itself up as a military power in the region, to, ultimately, act as an outpost of the American Empire in East Asia, much to the terror of the rest of Asia.
With the current Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the United States may finally be getting its wish of a re-militarized Japan, and Asia may be facing a resurgent nightmare, courtesy of American pressure.

Listen to the full episode here (BFP Subscribers Only):