Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 98

The Future of Philanthropy

Philanthropy – or more specifically philanthropic foundations – have had an enormous and largely unacknowledged position of influence in modern society, aimed largely at securing ‘social control’ (i.e., protecting the social hierarchy) through efforts of social engineering (i.e., promoting reform, policies, programs, ideologies and institutions aimed to adapt the existing system to various changes). This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Rockefeller Foundation, which was particularly influential in shaping the current world we live in. So to look to the future of philanthropy, it is useful to look to what the Rockefeller Foundation is currently doing and promoting in setting the trends for the ‘social sector’. In short, the future of philanthropy involves stocks, bonds, and the “marketization of giving,” and all that comes with it: namely, a concentration of wealth and power.

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