Elizabeth Warren Winning Over The Heart And Soul Of Democrats

Can Hillary Clinton articulate a progressive vision the way Elizabeth Warren can? Or do you have to have one before you can articulate one? Ted Cruz can certainly articulate the reactionary vision.I'm not a Hillary Clinton hater. In some sense, I respect her and even admire her. But would I vote for her-- and all that baggage weighing her down-- for president? On the one hand-- America is so overdue for a woman president. On the other hand, it means Wall Street in control again. Is she better than any of the garbage the GOP is looking at-- Cruz, Paul, Christie, Bush, Rubio? Of course, she's better than any of them-- than all of them combined. But I'm not looking to pick between the lesser of two evils anymore, not at my age. I'm looking for excellence, excellence we've never had in a president in my lifetime. Bernie Sanders works for me. And so does Elizabeth Warren. The video above spells it out.Backing a progressive for president isn't about a cult of personality or someone's career ambitions. I don't think either Elizabeth or Bernie aspires to be president, let alone the grueling task of running for president. I think either one would gladly make the sacrifice to put America on the right track. When I went to MSNBC's website to find the embed code for the video up top, it was easy to find. I figured the title would be "Rachel Maddow interviews Elizabeth Warren" or something like that. The title is "This is Why Democrats Want Elizabeth Warren To Run."