Donna Edwards Rejects The Wall Street Political Contribution/Bribery System Van Hollen Revels In

Wall Street has picked its candidate for Maryland's open Senate seat: Establishment lackey Chris Van Hollen. He's their kind of Democrat and he's always played ball with them-- as they robbed his constituents blind. The Finance Industry has been very supportive of Van Hollen's career-- having put $1,584,364 into his political campaigns. In return, he's backed "compromises" that work far better for Wall Street special interests than for the legitimate interests of Maryland's working families. The progressive running against Van Hollen for the Democratic nomination is Congresswoman Donna Edwards. This week she announced that she didn't want Wall Street's money and penned a letter for DFA members explaining her decision:

I'm sure you were as outraged as I was when I read this shocking headline from Reuters:
"Exclusive: Upset By Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Banks Debate Halting Some Campaign Donations"

Unbelievable. Wall Street banks like Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Bank of America want Democrats to "soften their party's tone" toward their reckless behavior and are threatening to withhold their donations to force us to give in to their demands.Let's be blunt about what's going on: These massive Wall Street corporations-- the same "too big to fail" banks that taxpayers bailed out after they crashed our economy-- are trying to force Democrats to cave and weaken important financial regulations designed to prevent another financial crisis. Wall Street won't be happy until Democrats stop listening to progressives like me and Elizabeth Warren-- and instead carry out orders from the biggest banks in the world.In response to the news that Wall Street was attacking Elizabeth Warren, Robert Reich told Democracy for America members last week that Democrats should "tell Wall Street to get lost." He's absolutely right. That's why I'm joining DFA and Robert Reich today in taking this stand:

I will not accept any donations from Wall Street banks in my campaign for Maryland's open U.S. Senate seat. I am calling on all candidates in this race to stand with me in rejecting contributions from Wall Street banks like Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Bank of America.

I am running for the Senate so I can join Elizabeth Warren and other strong progressive leaders in the fight against Wall Street. I don't want Wall Street's money. I don't work for them. I work for you.I've got a tough race ahead that will take a lot of money-- and people power-- to win. But I won't be bullied by Wall Street banks like Citigroup and Goldman Sachs. [You can help Donna's campaign here.]Why am I taking this stand? Because:

• Wall Street banks want to get their hands on your Social Security benefits. I won't let them do it. Instead I support expanding Social Security to provide all Americans with a more secure retirement.• Wall Street banks want to buy our elections and outspend progressives. I have fought them every step of the way. I was the first member of Congress to propose a constitutional amendment to repeal Citizens United and get big corporate money out of our politics.• Wall Street banks are trying to weaken Dodd-Frank and the other important financial regulations we passed in 2009 at the height of the Great Recession. I've not only refused to weaken it, I've worked to strengthen Dodd-Frank and other important protections to stop the big banks from creating another financial crisis.

The 2016 election will be a battle between Democrats who side with Wall Street and Democrats who side with the people. I know which side I'm on. That's why I am refusing to accept donations from the Wall Street banks and I'm calling on the other candidates in the Maryland Senate race to do the same.

The Baltimore Sun, in covering this story, mentioned that the most right-wing Maryland Democrat, New Dem John Delaney, is still toying with running for the seat (presumably as a Democrat, although he sure votes a lot with the GOP).

Rep. John Delaney of Montgomery County, a former banker, has a proven ability to raise large sums quickly and also a willingness to put millions of his own money into a contest. Delaney has received more campaign money from donors involved with securities and investments than any other industry, though he joined Warren and the Obama administration in late February to call for stronger oversight of brokers who help people plan for retirement.

Again, you can help Donna win this one here at the Elect Donna Edwards ActBlue page.