Donald Trump offers first response to Mike Flynn guilty plea

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Donald Trump has told reporters at the White House that there was “no collusion” with Moscow when asked abut his former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn who yesterday entered a guilty plea in relation to lying to the FBI about his meeting with former Russian Ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak.
Trump did not elaborate further, nor has he taken to Twitter to address the subject as some expected him to do. Instead, his post-Flynn plea Tweets have been limited mostly to celebrating the passage of his tax cuts and confirming that Rex Tillerson will remain Secretary of State for the foreseeable future.

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While some will be disappointed at Trump’s brief response, his statement was true. Mike Flynn has admitted guilt to lying about something he had no need to lie about, but it did not involve attempts to “collude” with Russia, nor did it expose any conversations implying Russia tried to influence US policy. In reality, Flynn’s meetings with former Ambassador Kislyak were rather crude attempts to influence Russia’s behaviour at the United Nations. Flynn’s mission failed and in any case, it had notion to do with charges relating to Russia.

Mike Flynn told one lie – the US government has told millions

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