Do You Like Your Senators?

A pile of crap that no one likes even in their own statesThursday, Morning Consult published the approval and disapproval ratings of every senator. Only their own constituents were asked to vote. Bernie is the most popular senator in America once again-- with an 80% approval rating. Although Miss McConnell remains the most disliked senator in the country among his own constituents-- his disapproval is 49%-- the Republican senators who ran for president are unpopular with their own constituents, especially Little Marco. Of all senators who ran for president, his approval took the biggest hit since Morning Consult's last round of surveys was released in November. Rubio's approval dropped five points to 45% and his disapproval increased eight points to 41%. Cruz's approval is 55% and his disapproval is 30% (slightly better among Texans than in November).The 10 senators with the highest approval ratings:

• Bernie Sanders (I-VT)- 80%• Susan Collins (R-ME)- 79%• John Hoeven (R-ND)- 74%• Angus King (I-ME)- 74%• Patrick Leahy (D-VT)- 73%• Tom Carper (D-DE)- 69%• Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)- 68%• John Barrasso (R-WY)- 65%• Al Franken (D-MN)- 63%• Chris Coons (D-DE)- 63%

The 10 senators with the highest disapproval ratings:

• Mitch McConnell (R-KY)- 49%• Pat Roberts (R-KS)- 42%• John McCain (R-AZ)- 42%• Marco Rubio (R-FL)- 41%• David Vitter (R-LA)- 40%• Jon Tester (D-MT)- 40%• Claire McCaskill (D-MO)- 38%• Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)- 37%

You know how they say every senator thinks he or she could be president? At the very least, they see themselves as powerful in the center of their own Beltway universes. Nevertheless, some of these guys-- who might be hoping for a call for presidential running mate interest, are barely even known by theor own constituents. The least known senators back home:

• Gary Peters (D-MI)- 34%• John Cornyn (R-TX)- 33%• Rob Portman (R-OH)- 32%• Tim Scott (R-SC)- 31%• Dean Heller (R-NV)- 30%• Ed Markey (D-MA)- 30%• Mark Kirk (R-IL)- 29%• Bill Cassidy (R-LA)- 29%• Roger Wicker (R-MS)- 29%• Richard Burr (R-NC)- 28%

But among the senators who will be facing the voters in November, the ones who have the lowest ratings when you combined approval and disapproval are these 10 on the most vulnerable list:

• Mark Kirk (R-IL)- 6%• John McCain (R-AZ)- 7%• Ron Johnson (R-WI)- 11%• Brian Schatz (D-HI)- 13%• Richard Burr (R-NC)- 15%• Rand Paul (R-KY)- 16%• Pat Toomey (R-PA)- 18%• Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)- 19%• Rob Portman (R-OH)- 20%• Roy Blunt (R-MO)- 20%