Disney To Recommence Firing American Workers Because They Are Americans

Disney Admits To Forcing Highly Skilled Americans To Train Their Replacements-- Imported Un-Skilled Foreign Workers-- Then Fired The Americans Because They Are Americans. Disney executives told the condemned employees who protested that they would be replaced by imported foreign workers: "Get used to it. You need to learn to wear a sari [Indian dress] because that is the only place you will ever get a job." by James Otto There is fact and then, there is fantasy. There is the truth and then, there are lies. When does "fantasy" become a "lie?" Disney Corporation is the undisputed champion of fantasy. So great and convincing is Disney’s power to "spin a yarn" that parents routinely teach their children to recognize the difference between Disney’s fantasy versus real life reality. "Look at actions not words" is a staple of parental advise. Here is the best lesson for parents to use to teach their children to recognize thatDisney’s actions versus Disney’s lies are malicious and unpatriotic. Disney admits three (3) truths: First: Disney admits it imported foreign workers to replace highly skilled American workers. Second: Disney admits that it requires the condemned highly skilled American workers to educate the un-skilled imported foreign workers BEFORE the American is fired. Third: Disney admits that if the highly skilled American workers wanted to be paid, then, the Americans had to educate the un-skilled imported foreign workers. The fired highly skilled employees stated that the "replacement" foreign workers were younger technicians who had to be instructed in the basics of the work. Now separating the TRUTH from Disney’s lies. FACT 1: Disney fired 850 out of the planned 1,000 highly skilled American workers in the last 12 months in order to import over 1,000 foreign workers to take jobs away from the American workers. According to Disney managers and various news sources, including news media from India, citing Disney executives, Disney in October 2014 fired approximately 350 Americans; in 2015, Disney fired 250 or more in Orlando Florida and 250 or more in Anaheim California. Those 850 American workers were replaced by un-skilled imported foreign workers-- but ONLY after receiving training from the highly skilled American workers. Disney admits that it planned on firing an additional 150 or more highly skilled Americans on October 1, 2015 but changed plans after either they received notice of intent to sue from an employee who did not want to "lay down and be stepped on" or by the publicity in the New York Times article in June 2015. Disney imported so many foreign workers that it was rare to hear English spoken at Disney’s workplace. "I really felt like a foreigner in that building," the American worker said, referring to the widespread use of Hindi. Disney executives told the condemned employees who protested that they would be replaced by imported foreign workers with this statement: “Get used to it. You need to learn to wear a sari [Indian dress] because that is the only place you will ever get a job.” DISNEY’S LIE 1: Disney claims that it "employs" only 10 foreign workers. TRUTH 1: Disney’s deception is that it "employs" only 10 foreign workers. YET, Disney admits that it fired ONLY American workers; then "leased," NOT hired, the 1,000 foreign workers imported by a company that specializes in importing ONLY foreign workers. According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), the deception, such as utilized by Disney, is how corporations skirt the Immigration Law. Please remember that Disney fired ONLY American workers and replaced them with ONLY imported foreign workers from India who were not skilled enough to do the jobs unless and without the highly skilled American workers educating them. Thus, Disney intentionally excludes Americans out of the work force. FACT 2: Disney Intends To Fire More Highly Skilled Workers In 2016. The exact number has not yet been detemined but the best information from various Disney executives and supervisors is that the several hundred American workers who survived the "first round" of layoffs are now targeted to be replaced by foreign workers. DISNEY’S LIE 2: Disney told Congressman Alan Grayson from Orlando, Flordia and several news mediums that there would be no more importation of foreign workers to replace highly skilled American workers. TRUTH 2: Disney has retained Cognizant Technology Solutions, Inc. a corportation that specializes in importing ONLY young male Indians to REPLACE American workers. Cognizant has made public statements that its business NEEDS TO IMPORT foreign workers to replace American workers. FACT 3: Disney fired highly skilled American workers whose job performance reviews admitted that the American’s "superior skills and 'outstanding' work," "had saved the company thousands of dollars." In exchange, Disney imported un-skilled, young technicians to replace the highly skilled American workers. DISNEY’S TWO LIES: Disney exeutives are quoted in the news media, including the news media in India, explaing the reason for firing the highly skilled Americans as follows: "We have restructured our global technology organization to significantly increase our [staff] focus on future innovation and new capabilities, and are continuing to work with leading technical firms to maintain our existing systems as needed."First Lie: Disney claims that the only way to "to significantly increase. . . future innovation and new capabilities" REQUIRED elimination of the 250 highly skilled Americans workers of "superior skills and 'outstanding' work," who "had saved the company thousands of dollars." In the past 12 months, Disney eliminated 850 highly skilled American workers only to replace them with young, inexperienced foreign workers. Disney deceitfulness is obvious. To determine whether Disney or I am smarter than a 5th grader, I asked a 5th grader to read Disney’s claim. He laughed and said "Disney’s crazy! You do not 'increase' anything by getting rid of your best!" In truth, Disney illegally excluded American workers from the labor market. Second Lie, Disney, who employs over 66,000, wants us to believe that the "global technology [re]organization" involved a mere 250 highly skilled American workers. Firing 4 one-thousands (that’s 0.0038) of your work force is not a reorganization, much more a "global" [anything] reorganization. TRUTH 3: Disney lied to the American people about its true reason for firing highly skilled Americans and replacing them with un-skilled imported foreign workers. In truth, Disney illegally excluded American workers from the labor market. FACT 4: The chairman of the Walt Disney Co., Robert A. Iger, is a co-chairman with Michael R. Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York, and Rupert Murdoch, the executive chairman of News Corp., along with various other executives of corporations, in the Partnership for a New American Economy, which pushes for increasing importation of more foreign labor to replace American workers. The Partnership for a New American Economy claims in its website that its purpose is to increase immigration of foreign workers to replace American workers. The "partnership" claims that increasing the importation of both foreign workers and foreign students will help the U.S. to "attract and keep the best, the brightest and the hardest-working."Yet, this self proclaimed "Partnership" refused to explain why for every imported foreign worker a highly skilled American workers is fired. Many of the corporations in the "Partnership" participate in firing highly skilled American workers then replacing them with un-skilled foreign labor. DISNEY’S LIE 4: The "Partnership" made the false claim that importation of foreign workers to replace American workers (1) does not hurt the unemployed American (obviously nonsense) and (2) America will face a projected shortfall of more than 200,000 advanced-degree STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) holders. TRUTH 4: The reality is that imported foreign workers are of “average quality” at best, and certainity NOT THE BEST. According to Norman Matloff, professor, U.C. Davis, a leading authority on the issue of how the imported foreign workers, and specifically the H1B worker, impacts American workers recently stated:

The vast majority of H-1Bs, including those hired from U.S. universities, are ordinary people doing ordinary work, not the best and the brightest. On the contrary, the average quality of the H-1Bs is LOWER than that of the Americans. Furthermore, vast majority of H-1Bs, again including those hired from U.S. universities, are not doing work for which qualified Americans are unavailable.

Second, The U.S. Census Bureau reported that 74 percent of those who have a bachelor's degree in science, technology, engineering and math-- commonly referred to as STEM-- are not employed in STEM occupations. Since 2012, more than 2,715, 000 have graduated EACH YEAR supplying 100% of U.S. business needs. Thus, there are TOO MANY STEM graduates for the U.S. economy to for the U.S. economy to employ.