Dinesh D'Souza-- Prison Or Deportation? Or First Prison And Then Deportation?

To American right-wingers Dinesh D'Souza is a household name. Many normal people are vaguely aware that D'Souza is a right-wing operative who appears on right-wing owned and operated media to spread Republican Party propaganda. He's well-paid for his efforts and even made a movie he thought would win Romney the election, the little seen 2016: Obama's America, which was based on his 2010 book, The Roots of Obama's Rage. The film, like all D'Souza's work, was widely panned outside of extreme right-wing circles. Most people just see him as a kind of slightly less tawdry male Ann Coulter.Late yesterday D'Souza was indicted by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara for campaign finance fraud, having illegally paid back Republican donors who he persuaded to contribute tens of thousands to an unnamed Republican Party Senate candidate-- possibly 45 point loser Wendy Long, a former Dartmouth classmate who he worked for when she ran against Kirsten Gillibrand. One of the charges-- the one that is likely to send him to prison-- is for "causing false statements to be made to the FEC." The judge and jury are not likely to appreciate D'Souza's tweet from yesterday:Nor his pal Matt Drudge's:The ridiculous red meat trailer from D'Souza's crackpot movie, which was laughed out of theaters across the country: