A different prayer

Jesus! Lord!
Son of God!
My dude!
Like your arduous journey of life
Full of strife
I too faced difficulties
Cured lepers
Restored vision to blind
Hungry people received loaf of bread …
I do not believe in miracles or supernatural healing
But I wholeheartedly appreciate your yearning
To cure people of diseases
And eliminate poverty and wretchedness
You are a Budha prince
Wondering from place to place
A prophet Muhammad
Teaching universal Brotherhood
A Guru Nanak
Explaining ideas democratic
Or the benevolent Mahabali
Who, for the sake of keeping promise, sacrificed his life happily
I see a Marx and a Lenin
Who dreamed of revolution
A valiant Che Guevara
The hero of south America
You were unjustly crucified
When one of your disciples betrayed
Like many other prophets and preachers
Killed by their own backstabbing followers …
Jesus! My friend
You are my guide
I do not offer prayer
But I treat you as my tutor
Whose life is a lesson
That teaches how to live simple, pure and clean
