Dialectics – Man’s Metaphysical Problem

Jay's Analysis
Post-human deception based on ancient lies.

By: Jay

A philosophical thought for the day: One of the central, most basic and ancient questions of philosophy is that of the one and the many. In my undergraduate days, I spent a lot of time focused on this question, and to some profit. This question even transcended cultural barriers and mysteriously appeared in both ancient Chinese and Hindu thought, which cannot be said of every philosophical speculation. A familiar issue to philosophers and mathematicians, it is surprisingly an obscure topic, now that philosophy has died in the West. Does the end of philosophy in the West signal an end of this question? I don’t believe it does. In fact, the problem for man in our age is still this perennial question and it is one of dialectics.

The question is perennial because the one and manyare fundamental to man. We possess…
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