Death toll hits 8. Executive director for Russia’s Roscosmos stabbed in prison

The Duran has been keeping tabs on the multiple deaths that have plagued Russian officials and diplomats over this last year. While much can be chalked up to simple chance, conspiracy theorists may see something more to the recent waves of deaths to hit the Kremlin.

See: 4 dead Russian Diplomats in 3 months.
See: 7 Russian officials dead since Donald Trump elected President.
Yesterday Russia’s Roscosmos space corporation confirmed the death of its Executive Director for Quality Control Vladimir Evdokimov.
Evdokimov had been arrested over embezzlement charges.
Sputnik News Agency reports…

Earlier in the day, Yulia Ivanova, the Russian Investigative Committee’s Central Moscow Department spokeswoman, told Sputnik that a body of a man, born in 1965, was found with stab wounds on his chest in Moscow’s pre-trial detention center No. 5. The Investigative Committee initiated criminal proceedings into the murder under Article 105 of the Criminal Code.
“Roscosmos announces with regret the death of Vladimir Evdokimov, the state corporation’s executive director for quality control,” the space corporation said in a statement.
In December 2016, the Russian Investigative Committee accused Evdokimov, who has served as the executive director for quality control since 2015, of embezzling 200 million rubles ($3.1 million). Evdokimov was suspected of embezzling the funds from the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG aerospace company.

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