De-Manufacturing Consent- Free Barrett Brown: Journalism is Now a Crime!

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Kevin Gallagher
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by the director of Free Barrett Brown, Kevin Gallagher. Guillermo and Kevin discuss the case of Barrett Brown, an eccentric author and journalist who caught the attention of the FBI through his work “embedded” with the hacktivist group Anonymous. Having spent over a year now in jail and gagged by a federal court, Brown faces a potential sentence of 105 years, the bulk of which is related to charges associated with pasting a link in a chat room. We explore the details of Brown’s work and the information he uncovered through Project PM that he is no longer allowed to discuss: the shadowy world of private intelligence contractors, what they’re working on, who they’re working for, and what it means for your privacy, security, and liberty.
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